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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Another great update of youre wonderful layout! Keep the picture´s coming!
  2. i hope you like the models not that much work or big conversion but i think the litle efford that put in is payed of to a more realistic model? Regards Johny
  3. Hello. A friend of mine is a contractor and he drive´s 2 Case IH 1056 XL tractors. One of the 2 i made 2 models of it one for my own collection and the other is for the owner Wim Smits. Wim and i go to difirent tractor shows and he his the proud owner of the MF 188 4wd and 2 Mc Cormick Roadless tractors. So when Britains announced that the would come with the 1056 XL i imediatly decided to convert one to one of Wim´s tractors! Wim liked the idea and asked me to make one for him to. So i did here the result of that: I put the rims and wheels of the UH MF 5480 under the model after they where spraypainted and i added 2 warning beacons on the roof. Also i put on the license plate with the name Smits on the cab! and i chainged the mirors because Wim´s tractors had that to. first the example: And then the models
  4. Some stunning work Barry! I like it a lot. Also the fronthitch is realy impressive
  5. Thanks Sjonnie glad you like her I build models only for myself because i don't have much time. I hope that i can resincast some stuff my self in the future then it would be a litle bit easyer to do something like this twice. Regards Johny
  6. Curius about the next models you are building! Almost are going to think youre a massey man!?
  7. Thep aint finish is quit good but i think if you buy it not on the internet you must take a look at the finished product because one of the 2 is not that good in my opinion. But if you look in general it looks prety darn good!.
  8. Thanks Paul i am glad you like it! I already done a 3650 before but that where almost 4 years ago (i think ) but where never satisfied whit that one. So i hope this one is better then te first one.
  9. Some great photo´s Joe! Thanks for sharing
  10. 2x Britains Case 1056 XL (are going to converted to my friends 1056XL´s) 2x Sucho International 1455 (one is going to be wheaterd en sold) 1x Sucho Schlüter super trac 2500 VL army green whit dozerblade 1x Siku Communal MF 5470 1x Britains MF 7480 silver
  11. wel here are the photo´s as promissed. Stil enough to do on it but it is looking better already like this i think?
  12. Sorted the gril out yesterday evening. I tryed first the frontgril of the 3080 but that where much to small for the ROS bonnet. So i made one my self on my milling machine (hand operated not CNC) First i made the the nose cone (grey part of the bonnet) and then i made a plate that fits in there and milled the groove´s and the headlights in it. Also i painted the chasis yesterday and the rims! Photo wil be folowed later on today!
  13. I think it is a nice scene to see! I also think you get some nice reactions at the show! Enjoy
  14. Welcome aboard Ian Not bad for a first try and i think whit some practice you can build some great models! Keep them coming Regards Johny
  15. I am flattered Mark I were a bit surprised that i where in it ! We had a stand at an open day for a model and there where some photo's made whit a name mention. And in the article of the modelfarmer magazine i where mentioned
  16. I already seen the protype in Bauevais and i where enthausiast at the time when i seen it! (stil am!) The fueltank opening is siting (next)in front of the adblue tank Sean Here is a link for the introduction movie http://youtu.be/lHXMLpqg0As
  17. Had a look at the video but fliping heck! One of the nicest layouts i ever seen! The details are superb and the way he aged the buildings and fence´s and so is just perfect! Thanks for sharing this Mandy
  18. Didnt sort that out yet mate. But i have enough time to think that trough Stil sitting at home with my kidney stone´s :'(
  19. Johny mf

    Schuco 2011

    i also had a look at his figure´s that are also not bad! But i think it is dificult to order from that site or is isnt it?
  20. As usual good work Peter! Getting boring my reply´s but what else can i say than what a great conversion and so
  21. Have done a small job on this one today. I cut of the frontweight and i put the PMA fronthitch together that i bought for this model. And i hang it on the chasis of the 3650/3655 (not glued it yet because i need to do some more work on the chasis) Here the result so far:
  22. My brochure collection is whit tractors and machinery brochure´s. All sorts of brands and make´s. The most are brochure´s of the 80´s and ofcourse MF tractors. I store them in Maps and i don´t have them scanned or so. They are al put in plastic tabs and the most don´t have whole´s in them, I think i have between teh 2000 and 3000 brochure´s of all kind
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