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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Wel about the linkage i think you have a point but i think it is nice that you can put some thing behind the tractor. The bigger problem whit UH i found out that there onw implements some times not fit to their onw produced tractors! I think the need to sort that out! Also if you take for an example the Kuhn,Vicon and Deutz mowing combination the mowers don´t stay raised up! There are a lot of isue´s they need to sort out! But hey the conversionist like me need also something to do
  2. you have some nice conversions standing there mate! I think if you keep building the collection only wil grow whit nice models
  3. Still drewling whit those photo´s of the steepnose! See some things i aleady want to chainge on it Is this as big as the 5455 steepnose Mark or a lot smaller (in dymensions)
  4. I heard also that the 5480 whas droped in the line of UH from my modelhandler! Not the 8690 this is the first time i heard of that one being droped! I guess that they also going to realease the 7600 for the Agrotechnika!
  5. Thanks for the reply´s The front wheels can be taken of just by taking of the wheelhub then there is a screw behind it.
  6. At the moment it is good but it can chainge by the hour. Tomorow back to the hospital for the result of the scan. If you don´t feel like building just dont do it. The result that you then get is never as good as you like the build! I have projects on the shelf that stand for more then 2 years. Some times i finish one of them so there is hope
  7. @:Joe knowing you this model gets a good treatment! Have alway´s fancyed the Xylon tractor myself. If i find time to build all the plans i have the Xylon is one i also want to convert.
  8. Bought the Deutz Cow Print from Miniaturenwereld lommel. And the Black MF 5470 Fauchi
  9. Thanks for the reply´s @Mark: the 97 runs verry good and waits a restoration.The 1080 has a broken Multi Power but the man saids the engine runs properly. @Justy 46: don´t know much about Fords or county´s but i think the where Roadless or County´s @Sean: he is a big fan of big 4wd´s and rare items. His collection chainges every year whit some selling and buying other rare tractors. He once said to us i have not enough room and when i retiyerd for work i work more hours for the company then i did when i worked there! He wants to restore every tractor he has but he said i think i don´t live that long enough! The MF 1080 4wd wil be bought now (if he´s not going back whit his desision) by a good friend of mine that owns the MF188 4wd! He is already working on the price of it!
  10. I went to the hospital yesteday having my MF cap on And i had a Schlüter Tshirt on thinking of nice things ofcourse! So i hope it helps seeing the massey stuf and so. Last weekend my friend took Sandy for me to a show whit my living wagon. I went by car my girlfriend driving. Sunday a friend of me had hitched her up to a blade and tryed herr out in the sandbox that the organizers had made to work a litle bit whit ploughs and so. I hope that the litle movie´s they made are soon on youtube! And at the end of the show my father in law drove Sandy back home whit the living wagon! I thought it was nice to see the sight of Sandy in my back miror and seeing her work on the blade. Shame it wherent me that played whit blade :'(
  11. Must wait what they will say Iff they are to big to come out they need to be crushed. I heard that they do that in a bath special for kidney stone´s So i hope they can do something for me in the next day´s because the pain is some time unbearable! I wish no one these pains it is just naging and naging. Yesterday i couldnt eat or any thing.
  12. I shall think about it mate thanks for the offer It worry´s me indeed. They think kidney stone´s but if it isnt what else could it be?
  13. The model is whitout the cab but the LCN wants to have an exclusive model for the members. So that is the reason I he makes a 2wd version of the cabbed one the LCN model isnt that special any more they say!
  14. For the LCN Club in the Netherlands Weisse is producing the Club model and that one is a 2wd whitout a cab! But they made the agreement whit Weisse that he dousnt make a 2 wd standard version!
  15. Thanks Buddy I hope i know Friday what is wrong whit me then i get the results of the scan they made yesterday!
  16. Thanks MJB for the reply. I am glad you enjoy whit looking at these picture´s! I shall look for you to take the photo´s of the rearlights when i feel a bit better at the moment my healt is not so good. Greetings Johny
  17. 2nd bunch of photo´s! And then finaly a photo of her nice bumm whit the new ploughing light and the original backlights! This looks more authentick! Hope you like her more now? I want to do the paint work again in a few years if i have build a shed on my property that she can stand under a roof! When i where on vacation a while back the tent she stood under where blown away by a big storm :'(
  18. Well Sandy is finaly back home (picked herr up last sunday ) I had made some photo´s before she where finished but that are realy nice one´s! Here the reflector lights aren´t on but they are instaled! I did modify them that they are now brake lights! I had the problem whit the original lights that it is American style so the turning light is conected whit the brake light! So i needed to place an extra brakelight´s on the fenders. This was something i didnt like to place a not so nice extra lamp so i came up whit the idea of making them in the reflectors! If i have time tomorow i post picture´s of them! So here some nice photo´s of Sandy while she is at the place where i did all the work.
  19. I think if you look at the massey 7480 (standard or the white version) that the front mudguards are to high or to big. Ore.... the frontwheels are to small. If i look at that model they made the same mistake as whit the 6290 the once did. That model had also to small wheels/rims in the front! I also think the tractor sits a bit to high on the axle if you compare it to the UH one. But these things are ofcourse my opinion like to hear what you guy´s think! I think they made the right step in the good direction don´t get me wrong but i think if i look at the Case IH and the IH they realy made some progress!
  20. Looks verry good this scene! Have litle tip for you for making the gras on the land that is ready for pick up by the harvester! In model shops you can buy loose longer gras that are in bags and when you spray glue on the gras you can make the grasdune´s if you spray the glue in line´s that you want. Then you make the dune a litle bit higher and sprayglue again on it! But then you cant take it of any more and i don´t know if you want that you can also do it whitout the glue
  21. Thanks for youre reply buddy I founded out by confinience that there was an 6170 about 6 a 7 years ago but never could find one. Now i did and glad i have it! Where thinking who else could know if there are more then you buddy
  22. Thanks for the reply DMarshallmodels. The real massey in the background is my MF165 it is in the FTFmember machinery topic she is called Sandy
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