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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Thanks for the reply´s lads The paint of the rims is 3000 wheel white (atleast that stands on the paintcan! but then in Dutch) I think if you go to a Massey dealer they can give you the right paint
  2. Thanks for you re reply Paul The bonnet is modify ed from the MF590 from UH The Back rim is from the 590 whit the tyres of the MF 1200 from UH The front rim are 3 different rims 1. rim and Tyre of the MF 35 from UH 2. wheelweight casting Martin Reeve 3. the middle center of the rim of the MF 590 from UH. Hope that answers you re questions? Regards Johny
  3. Well a small update I made the chasis bars and i painted the black rubber parts on the bonnet. Everything is still loose including the frontaxle (also the bonnet isnt sitting in the right possition now) Just to give an impression how works progressing!
  4. Thanks Reqen! (Sorry for the late responding ) Here is a small update the decal is on the bonnet (JanMF did it for me a while back forgot to post the result ) Thanks Jan
  5. Johny mf

    ROS 2011

    Think the G240 looks good in my opinion one minor point is the warning beacon (in my opinion) I think it is nicer to see 2 warning beacons on the end of the cab or 2 at the front of the cab! Regards Johny
  6. I got some stuff in today whit the mail first some non models but farm relaited. Also have orderd a MF jacket but they sended the wrong one so that is already sended back. And this quit rare Scale Models 1:16 MF 6170 from the Louisville Farm show 1996 Got it of ebay and it has bin deliverd by G&M I think i have these now complete (the 6170,8120 and 8160) but i think my buddy Mark Channel knows better if there are any more of the serie´s in scale 1:16?
  7. Don´t know what to think about that Massey. it looks a bit funny don´t know if i buy it. I am waiting for the IH 956 and the Case 1056 Because my good friend owns them and i drive them some time´s only the IH 956 needs to resprayed in the Case colours and needs other rims.
  8. Well i guess you can´t start early enough! I also like the way you suport him whit it that is also realy great to hear!
  9. well today i got the sticker in from the dealer It has an MF 2640 drawing on it because i liked that i bought the sticker! The dealer is some 45 to 50 km from me but i went their whit my friend that owns the MF 188 4WD! here a photo of the Sticker
  10. I thought that it where not decent to take it whit me home but i where tempted indeed
  11. There are a few on a dutch selling site here is the linkhttp://link.marktplaats.nl/460418628 Only the one whit the hands he dousnt got any more!
  12. Didnt know where to put this i hope it is the right section? Bought some old MF stickers and an old MF 3000 serie button. There is on sticker on it´s way of a dealer that is some 45km from me but it where a real beauty shal post it when i have it in my possesion. here the 4 stickers i bought and the Buton!(it is in the midle or do you call it a pin badge?) Language is dutch on the sticker
  13. Well you have that right Niels we didnt stole the safety jackets Light land: yeah i where feeling pretty happy The trip is well worth the money! So if you have the oportunity to go you have to
  14. And in the bus back home the mood is good! Here is Wim the owner of the 188 4wd (in my avatar picture) And me going back to my seat after the quiz results! And ofcourse you can see how happy i am that i had visit the MF factory
  15. The MF 3080 whit the tourguide for it we had (the group i were in)
  16. Here are some photo´s from me. Not many taken [ [ The safety jacket´s for the tour are also on the photo´s first me showing one
  17. Whe did had a great tour when i think of it i get a smile on my face A lott of prototype´s whitout the bonnet´s on :'( (at the end of productionline! Also seen some whit covers on the bonnet´s! Cant wait for the oficial release of them! 8) And i do hope that UH or some modelfactory is doing a model of the new serie´s! Maybe Jan and Robert the new steepnose ??
  18. Keep him going! This is the future off conversionists! (and of course the future for this forum ) Looking pretty good
  19. Youre welcome to have a stop if you come over Sucho and UH wil have a stand this year in Zwolle! Also from Denmark some RC tractors that are hand made!
  20. Johny mf

    ROS 2011

    If i see those photo´s of the Krone i think it is time for them to also build a nice Massey Ferguson Tractor! And i already can´t wait for the Grimme model!
  21. Wen we last monday went to the MF Factory the big man behind the show where also whit us on the trip! Had a chat whit him and he said that the show is getting bigger this year and the have the second hall for 2 day´s! So i think it is going be worht the trip!
  22. Thanks for the info mate! We didnt go in the restaurant :'( so that area we didnt see :'(
  23. I agree whit the man above this post! What a superb details! I also like the tele handler! Some time´s we have the same brand on the construction site were i work and the operator alway´s calls it Dixi (like the mobile toilets :D )
  24. Thanks Reqen I hope they placed it some were nice in the Factory! (atleas the man said he would )
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