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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Not going to do that Joe like that the MF corporation loved my models and i want to keep it that way!
  2. Whe did Bas Joe: My healt isnt much better at the moment so i hope i am going to feel better in the next day´s
  3. Happy Birthday David An all the one´s ive missed lateley [ [ [ hope you all had a great day!
  4. Actualy i thinked about it when i where their (didnt had the guts to ask the tour guide ) I had loved to see that tractor but whe had not enough time to see everything! The tourguide where so enthausiastic about our intrest that in the end of the tour whe had to hurry to see the workers finish a tractor (didnt see it at the end but the men explained how it worked verry good!) Maybe in September i go back to the factory there where a man on our trip that asked me for providing some films and for translation while whe have the tour! :D He even want´s to pay me for it and the trip is for free for me! :D
  5. Yeah we where plesantly suprised! De Rooy has his company just 30km from where i live! He has a big plot whit all kinds of things on it if it has wheels! Also the man himself is well known in our area whit his entrance of the Dakar rally a true legend! He lives just acros the border in Belgium (i think same vilage as Jan MF lives)
  6. i think it is a fair price for that model in dealer box and comming straight from the MF factory! Normal version costs about 50euro!
  7. Don´t know wich one you mean Paul? Can you show me the photo in the factory trip topic?
  8. i am just a poor man mate you know that! Well if you look in the topic from ERTL Erik you can spot the prototype in his picture´s i won´t say wich one but the real massey man should know what it is! :P
  9. Afortunatly i can´t afford a tractor like that buddy! Only if you wrap it around in a nice gift paper and a big bow around it :P Sandra also read youre post and said i want to buy Mavis :D
  10. Actualie the same thing Mark say´s
  11. There can be a lot off reason why this tractor has these wheels on. I can think of one and that is: it could be placed on these temporary wheels for shipping it to the dealer. It can happen that one tractor more can be loaded on a truck whit adding these sort off wheels.
  12. And then it would be ofcourse the new serie´s that MF are going to launch But i think you should buy a new one and keep Hattie also :P or even better stall Hattie over here and say she is stolen she is always welcome here mate ;D
  13. Now i look twice youre right i think he mis understood me and thougt i where talking about the dual wheels for the American version(2nd one!)
  14. Another stunning conversion from you! Keep them coming!
  15. Didnt look at the price whas it a normal price or whas it a bit expensive for normal standards? I bought a nice polo shirt and a nice sweather !
  16. Ow forgot i see Jan MF next to the 3080 he also where whit us on the trip! The wheels of that tractor are only on the tractor because it went to the American market! When it arive´s at the dealer it get´s it right wheels the tourguide told me!
  17. Glad you liked the tirp mate Seems you have the prototype 7600 on the photo!! What a beauty that where!
  18. What another stunning model from youre hands Sjonnie! Like the way you build youre models whit getting difirent models to build a master piece like this! Also the wheatering is verry nice, it is not to much if you know what i mean Regards Johny
  19. Well the models are not in my possesion any more! Whe had a winner in the quiz who scored 7 points out of the 8 points that could be scorred. The other model is given to an employee of the MF beauvais Factory and he said the place it in a nice cabinet. When i got home late last night i already had an email from the good man to thank me again (was the 6th time i think :D ) And he where a bit suprised off the models that where on my website he loved them! :D All by all i had a great time yesterday and the reactions of the people that went whit us where great!
  20. Thanks Light land Where thinking about that Paul when i where painting the rims but that would take to much time for me whit my kidney stone´s it wasnt a plessent job
  21. It take´s some work but it is well word the effort you put into this beauty! I love it a lot Regards Johny
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