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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Thanks for the reply´s See you monday Erik! @Mark: the quiz is only for the people that going whit the trip monday I think it where December that i contacted the female that organizes trips to factory´s to go to MF whit a group of persons. I had about 20 to 25 people that wanted to go whit me to Beauvais and i said to her if she knew some people that wanted to go also on this trip that she may bring them whit her. So she advertised and now whe got a bus full of enthausiasts and a few women that are going whit us. So i hope i feel better monday because thursday i went to the hospital whit much pain. The said to me in the hospital that they think i have kidney stone´s But Monday i wil go whit the trip if i feel 100% or 50%!
  2. Thanks buddy I must confess that the photo´s don´t do the paint job good But a lot of work has to be done before this is finished!
  3. The tractor looks good! You can see that you spent a lot of time in this model!
  4. Wel as the topic name say´s This are 2 models for the MF factory trip next monday one wil be the prize for 3 or 4 questions and the other i give to the tourguide to place it somewhere in the factory. (i hope they like that model) Here the result what i did (not the dificult thing to do) I hope you like them?
  5. What a superb cariër you have build Sjonnie! I love the details on it and the tyers!
  6. A bit same like Jan MF did i wil only not extend the arches at the back. The reason of that is i like it more whitout the extentions. Here is a photo of the model so far: I need to make the chasisbars on the sides and the fuel tank on the other side. And also need to paint the underhalf of the cab. And i also need to put the front axle under it now it is loose.
  7. It looks realy smart! And the paint job is superb!!!
  8. It looks great! As an example the LCN model looks also much better whit the painted on details (also the weights in the wheels and the GPS on the roof ofcourse) . Are you also going to paint the dashboarda in the good colour? That realy finish´s it! Regards Johny
  9. I think they have Jamie Here is a picture of my uncle´s old 4255 whit the 6270 he stil have´s! I hope you can do something whit this
  10. Looks like you had a couple of hours of work Erik! If i clean my collection i have about 5 a 6 evenings of work i dust them of whit a litle paintbrush. How do you clean youre models? Regards Johny
  11. Looking good Brian! Are you also going to add front mudguards to this model? Regards Johny
  12. you already know what i think But can't say it enough! what a beauty!
  13. A verry verry good and profesional looking lay out! Regards Johny
  14. Who is that guy that paints Penny's A**! Owh sorry mate it is you Mark sorry
  15. Indeed Mark no brake's on the living wagon but i think the brake's where bad for quite some time and now i had decided to doing something about that! The tractor brake's did their work but lateley they did'nt got loose verry well. Also on the left side the oilbearing was broken so there was some oil on the brake About the seat it is the deluxe spring seat and over here in Holland it where also an option. When i bought the tractor this seat was in verry bad shape whit no leather on it. So i had give it an overhaul. And this seat is a real comfort for driving her and verry glad it is on! I also like the model of the seat and you can buy some times the cheaper univerals black version but i don't like the look of them!
  16. Thanks lads I wanted to finish the job today but in the shed where i do this work is from a friend of me and he said to me today we don't work on Sandy today we go to a Oldtimer tractor show so we did and no work spend on Sandy! Next Saturday i am going to finish the job hopefully because my garden needs some work and Sandy needs to do some jobs But when i do that work whit Sandy i make some photo's for you lads!
  17. And now the other side not that much work as the sid i already have done These photo´s are from today not that many as the first bunch Here are the brake discs already instaled and i am almost ready to put the trumpet back after i fit the gascet Last photo Tomorow i am going to place the rearfender back and the wheel after i fitted the new rear lights i bought and my new plouging lamp! Trying to get her back in the original state more and more step by step Hope you guy´s find it interesting these photo´s normaly i don´t do this myself but my friend whit the 188´s said to me a that is no problem you can do it youre self in my work shop so if you get stuck whit this i help you out! Had to ask 2 time´s and he said to me here is the workshop manual and i founded out myself!
  18. The trumpet after a bit of cleaning The discs so bad where they And then now whit the new brake´s in Here whit the cleaned brake system in sight
  19. Well a lott hapend the last weeks whit Sandy. She neede surgery and the doctor how did it where me! She is stil not together because today i did the last part. She neede new brake´s and there where some problems whit that. The oilring where broken that where verry nasty! Only thook photo´s when i puted the new parts in because of all the crease on my hands! here are the first bunch Here are the mudguards of and the wheel and i already had thook the bolds loose Then it came lose This is the brake (don´t know tecnical English ) after i had give it a good clean this where so rusted that it had´nt movement in it! The axle where also a bit rusted so i cleaned it up to whit sandpaper and an ironhare brusch A look inside to some major parts from the rear axle More to come
  20. 2x UH MF1200 2x UH MF35 1x UH MF590 Al for parts or for converting I don´t tell what my plans are but youll see in the future
  21. Do you have some photo´s of the model? I don´t think i everseen one
  22. Got my self a Chrome MF 7499 From UH Awayting the black Fauchi
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