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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. I also think that Henry dous the right job and always has good qaulity! Looking good these decals on the Fendt Paul!
  2. Wel a while ago i had put some other rims under the MF7499 from UH and now i have made 2nd one whit mudguard extensions i have wheaterd that model whit a dusty look. Here the result.
  3. Wel i had made a 6480 and i touht it would look nice that it would be wheaterd so i did i also liked the UH Joskin behind it so i also wheaterd it Here the result
  4. Some goodwork in progres i like the 4cilinder the most to be honest Keep it coming mate
  5. I had bought a Case from Britains for our layout for shows and i thougt it where not finished if it wherent wheaterd! So here the result Photo´s of the layout wil be released after the big show in Zwolle where Niels v Eekelen and i have a stand together! So this is realy a smal sneak previeuw
  6. Wel as the topic name says an UH MF 7499 customised whit mudguard extensions and also some whider wheels on it! Ofcourse i build the model up my self!
  7. Looks absolutley fabilous! Any progres on the black one? Regards Johny
  8. Now yet another model i need to buy! This is going to be an expensive year!
  9. Owh no now i need a bigger cabinet! ;D This is going to be an expensive year for me :'( Thanks for bringing the news Mark!
  10. Keep her on her legs mate much better cosmetical for her! Hope you buy new rims mate because i like her better whit normal traction tyers But that is my taste and i know i am a bit weard
  11. Thanks for the reply´s lads! I wil try to do more whit her so i can make some photo´s I must say it is realy fun to go to shows whit the living wagon and to meet people that ar interested in old tractors like me Mark: the tipper can take 4,5t but some times i load more indeed Owh Forgot: The white tent you see in the back is my new purchase so i can put Sandy nice under it! Much better then standing half outside!
  12. Wel i think she is restored and i have the feeling that it is my uncle´s old 690! That where in badshape when traded in for a 4255 (that is already traded in to for an 5455!) I know the old 690 4wd is restorated when it where sold and always stands inside by an car and truck damage company The paint the cars and make them as new again and that is also happend whit the old 690 they used it for towing the trucks over the yard to the one building to the next never she stands outside when not in use!
  13. Johny mf

    MF Collection

    :of WOW what a collection! Thanks for sharing!
  14. Well in the member machinery i updated my topic whit some photo´s of my 165 whit my tipper and when i came beside a field today there where standing an nice MF690 4wd! so made some photo´s
  15. The last photo of the combination today! The first photo is taken when i´d go to the KLW show a few months ago a bit dreamy Also the orange flowers on the miror because the Dutch team had to play to Brasil that day at the World Championchip footbal! On the way back to home
  16. well it has been a few months that i posted here but today i had a nice drive whit Sandy. Had to take a load of sand on my tipper (normaly the tipper stand by an uncle of mine but i am still the owner!) Made some photo´s of the combination . Also i have made some photo´s underway to the IHF in Panningen a couple of weeks ago! The mirors are now standing on it because i had them for the livingwagon i have but whit 2 boulds they can be taken off! more to come in a minute!
  17. after a small search ive found the topic of the 3650 (not the best work ive made but it is a 3650) http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,17852.0.html and the MF 3080 http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,19622.msg354403.html#msg354403
  18. I did Sean ive made a 3650 and 3080 long time ago! must look where the photo´s are for you Neil Or the link
  19. some good work in progres there! like the way you work whit plastic card!
  20. Hey Mark i was wondering any update photo's of youre collection mate? Such a long time ago youve update it!
  21. Thanks mate Glad i have these items i waited for this a couple of months so Niels and i can make the layout for the Zwolle 2010 show of the LCN!
  22. Yesterday i went to my suplier of farm models to buy some new stuf from UH and Siku. This is what ive got :D UH Kuhn Triple mowers UH Kuhn haying machine (don´t know what it is called in england?) UH Schuitemaker rapide Siku MF 8680 scale 1:32 (2x) Siku MF 8680 scale 1:50
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