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Everything posted by smithy

  1. I have about 30acres to cut and about 1000 small bales of wheat straw to do just need a couple of good sunny days
  2. After the 14mm of rain we had yesterday I put the plough on ground not to wet just sticky having rusty mouldboards did not help but were getting shiny after 10 acres the chopped straw did not help as there was a lot of it ,the Everlution wheat had come off at 4.5 tons to the acre
  3. That's a good picture from the combine cab you can see its a good crop all them ears/heads of wheat not a gap between them
  4. Hi Sean don't want to hijack your topic .we were talking pettit trailers I borrowed another one last week original chassis but he has built a big steel body on it which is normally used to cart oats it is a 7 ton model but if filled with wheat would hold 10 ton .Thought this might interest you as you built a model sorry if it don't/or posted in wrong place smithy
  5. This evening I went and moved my mates (spud) dumpers from a job he had been doing back to his house
  6. No we only had about 3mm of rain so you can still see it wheat is still about 17% so holding off cutting for today im chopping grass round buffer strips at the moment
  7. Been spreading lime at 3 tons to the acre on next years rape land and a bit on the road as I forgot to isolate the wheel that drives the belt should be washed away by tomorrow
  8. Is the ram on the pickup of the baler home made or a N/H extra not seen one on that end before
  9. Sorry Paulali no prize for you ,Congratulations Sean you got it right it a Mercedes have to sort you a prize out
  10. Thanks Goody I will take that as a complement ,yes me and the lovely wife are well hope you and your wife are fine
  11. A well known company in Ipswich that sells lorry's as my combine has one of there engines fitted to it and we think we have a coolant sender playing up so I went to them for help which they did at first but when the part no on my sender did not match the one on there computer they said ; its a lot of work to look into it for something that's properly going to cost a tenner ,it will cost me more than a tenner if my engine goes bang and I would not go to them to get a replacement if it did now anyway went to see somebody else and sorted it in 10 minutes
  12. yes the body is home made think I now the person that built that bit but down the sides it still have the pins that the sides hinged on
  13. A nice Weeks trailer and I think the second one is a single axle pettit with twin rams but with a after market body on it perhaps Sean could verify this as I think he said he used to have two
  14. I took my mates sawbench back today and took these pictures of 2 of his tractors will post the rest later as computer is slow and dinner time is over
  15. I have looked at serial plate but no date so your guess is as good as mine so allow its old its not silly old
  16. Not seen any rain down this part of Suffolk so far today think we may have some overnight
  17. This is my mate Eric operating his saw bench with my tractor cutting my fire wood he is 72 years young but about 18 months ago he had a bad stroke which we did not think he would get over but myself and PDC father Brian and a few others went to see him in hospital a few times a week to help him recover as he had give up to which he started to walk again and move his arms about and was giving his driving licence back last august as he does all the ploughing and cultivations on a 400 acre farm next door to me then from about October time he is back in his wood yard cutting up fire wood he might not be as fast as before but he is doing it well done Eric
  18. Yes im told that a lot of the axles were cut off with the gas-axe to get in narrow doors .I think he has one more Nuffield but with bolt on wheels and a Belarus and a international will see if I can get pictures
  19. Yes it is he is based in a farm yard and has got 2or3 other tractors about the place I got to go back there later this week to take his saw bench back will try to get picture of other tractors if I get there in daylight
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