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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Yes Simon it was properly used down you granddads farm as a lot of people back in the 70 &80 had a couple of acres here and there and they all put some potatoes in to feed there family's as that's what they all called proper food but all them little bits of land are all built on today and the supermarkets have taken over
  2. You cant beat the old Britains models they have a lot off character thanks for posting
  3. Very funny I got a pair off boots just like him but we better keep on the topic or we will have the admin boys after use
  4. This is my trailer Sean its a 7ton model but its got 10ton rims and tires on it my paint work is not as good as yours
  5. Whilst waiting for the rain to stop so I can finish my last piece of hay I have sorted out the back of one of my sheds and this old potato planter is being put back in ,the wife said take it to scrape yard but I cant do that so I will put the good stuff in front of it to hide it up ,I can remember siting in the middle on the back of it for many days when I should have been at school a adult ether side of my to hopefully catch me if I slipped of the seat I think the machine is called a PILOT it does 3 rows at a time and seamed to take forever to get to the other side of the field I have seen a picture of a 2 row machine that was similar but never one like this
  6. Happy birthday Layla don't work to hard today have a good one
  7. Diorama looks great Sean lots off detail the more you look your Petite grain trailer is exactly like the real one I have will get a picture next couple of days
  8. Rain stopped play for the moment we have had 15mm since sunday so my last bit of hay is really wet now spent the morning picking up parts I need first call was B&Q in Ipswich to get some pluming bits then also in Ipswich east Anglia bearings to get 4 belts for a grass topper then up the A12 to Ernest Does at Marlesford for some New Holland combine parts then cut through the back roads to Ernest Doe Power at Framlingham to sort Mr Goodwin out as I heard a rumour I was on his hit list ?and he was going to do me ?(all in good fun) we had a good chat about models and things then thought hell its dinner time better get on with some work so I got back to farm and striped out the sieves on combine as I have to get inside and replace a rubber stripe deep inside the back just got to wait for parts now ,no real hurry as it is still raining tonight
  9. Sun is out here at the moment so now going to cut 2 more fields of hay then turn what I cut last Friday and hopefully bale tomorrow/Saturday
  10. After spending Tuesday morning at a seed corn trials day and collecting my NRoSO Points I come home and gave the grain store its 2nd dose of K-OBIOL EC25 Insecticide just in case there is any bugs about as NSF Agriculture would not like them. Also got combine out for last minute checks as harvest is not far away now should spray rape off over weekend and cut it in 10-14 days from application depending on weather .As I site here this morning (Wednesday)it is raining again so cant go and turn hay but forecast is better for rest of week so now off to get grease gun out and go over tipping pins on trailers
  11. Been two wet to turn hay today so my mate help my unload 200 small bales which we did on Wednesday the photos are my neighbours winter barley which don't look to far away from cutting and my oilseed rape which the top pods have turned black but the bottom ones are still green
  12. managed to bale 5 fields today (Wednesday) only planed on 3 but costumers getting worried about rain that's forecast so was still bailing up to 9pm total small bales today was 967 which 200 was mine so only now got in as I have carted them as well don't now whether to have something to eat now or fall asleep
  13. Have been turning hay from 7-30am till 2pm then rowed up 2 fields and baled 604 small bales which the customer was carting off the field with a flat eight grab strait into his shed nearly as quick as I could bale them hope to get 3 more baled tomorrow 3 more on Thursday then start cutting again
  14. us Suffolk lads aint as daft as we may look, on your other posts I am not a diorama person but I do look at them at shows and normally read you posts and the other ones from members on he and the detail is the important part. Just look at the detail that a lot off railway modellers put into they layouts and they are not all engine drivers keep up the good work and that goes for the rest of you diorama boys
  15. To get your bales off centre from the tramlines could you not pull behind you baler one off them 3 bale sledges that put one to the left one to the right and one in the middle but change the workings of it so it keeps putting them to the left or right and they would be away from tramlines may still need a little nudge with your front mounted nudge bar?
  16. Rain stopped play for me over weekend little bit more forecast for today but hay not spoiled yet so get it turned later today and maybe baled on tue/wed then get cutting again .Made the most of the wet weekend by putting the lights up and socket fronts on in my shed/rest room
  17. Happy Birthday David have a good one from us lot down in Suffolk
  18. managed to get one bit baled and stacked in shed today 268 heavy bales of 1 hectare (2.5 acres) hope to bale next bit sat/sun but rain is forecast
  19. When I was turning my hay on Thursday a non farming neighbour come and ask if he could turn some of my hay as he had just done up a Ford 4000 and a Vicon Acrobat hay turner and he had never used one before so I said yes gave him a few tips on how to use it,as I had to go off to a another job I missed him trying it out hope to get a few pictures later ,anyway he said he had restored another Ford which he said he would bring down to show me ,and this is it.Now if he put the Acrobat on this one it would be some outfit
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