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Everything posted by smithy

  1. The weather forecast was for a dry time so I decided to cut some of the hay on Monday its changed now might be some rain tonight and Saturday just my luck
  2. No toffee Graham might pull my teeth out, got to go on a diet after eating your scones an cream upthe Suffolk Show Thanks Smithy
  3. You now me I will just let he now I don't need any tea Friday night (or dinner sat/sun/mon)
  4. Thanks for information Chris main roads are best with big trailers my problem from here to the A140 is the low bridges at Needham Market
  5. That's right Sean air turned a bit blue when I showed here the blue valtra decided not to show herthe white one. Don't now what she is going to say about this weekend as I am of to France with MF135 and GOODIESTRACTOR
  6. Defiantly a old meadow Graham just outside Needham Market and not the football pitch,yes see you soon looking forward to the weekend see you in France
  7. I did not want to plough it because there used to be some trees on the field which had been cleared but there was still afew roots about so I thought I would use tines instead of bending the plough
  8. Now for something completely different ,have watch somebody dry-lining a wall before so I thought I would have a go today and this is how it looks ,I am happy with it for a first time job
  9. Yes needs a power-harrow but I will go through with pigtails again in couple of weeks when a few more weeds have germinated then power-harrow it so its ready for one more spray of roundup then the grass seed ,yes you wont be far away from me tomorrow if you are going to Debenham ,which way are you planning on going?
  10. I sprayed a old meadow of for a customer about 10 days ago so I moved in with a set of pigtail cultivators and stirred it up as it was a bit rough with rabbit holes will reseed it later on about sept/oct
  11. I have been spraying the wheats for the T2 DISEASE CONTROL chemical used was SKYWAY 285 XPRO at a rate of 1 litre a ha tank-mixed with STRAND at 250ml/ha, as we have had 15mm of rain over the last two days I through had better get it on as the rain-splash will have put the disease spores from the soil up on to the leaves
  12. Have a good day Mark Happy Birthday all the best from the other half of Suffolk
  13. You need a GPS SPADE to get nice straight lines or one of them little offset ploughs the council have to do there footpath edges Thanks for showing
  14. Spent the day at Lacy Scott's Auction today and also went to breakfast club with mf135,Robploughing and Derrick from D J collectable's
  15. That is well ahead of mine and other rape I have seen around here ,we normally cut winter barleyaround the 25th July and rape from about the 15th July on the lighter land around the coastal areas of Suffolk they start early July ,I have just counted the weeks ahead and going of my dates harvest is 8-9 weeks away weather permitting
  16. Flea beetle is a problem round here so are the pigeons the local guns have no problem getting 150-200 a day on the rape as the sugar beet tops are flailed these days instead off being topped the pigeons don't have a lot else to eat as for flea beetle we planted early to hope it would grow away from the problem but still sprayed 3 times, unless there is a major price drop this harvest I plan to have about the same area next year as this year (about 36 acres )
  17. Thank you for comment on rape looking well ,no not any petal drop yet only were the tractor/sprayerwent had a big heap on front of tractor the variety is ARAZZO which was sown on the 11th August
  18. The winds had eased over the last 2 days so went out spraying the wheat with a fungicide called ENTERPRISE at a rate of 1.483lts/ha tank-mixed with a growth regulator called STABILAN 750 at .600ml/ha . Also sprayed the rape with SKYWAY 285 XPRO ay 1.LT/ha for Sclerotinia control and MAVRIK at 200mls/ha for seed weevil&bladder pod- midge all was put on at a water rate of 200lts/ha.
  19. Having past my spraying test yesterday which we all have to do now before the 15 November 2015 so as we can still buy/use chemicals on the crops .
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