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Posts posted by smithy

  1. up at 5am to spray the oil seed rape with chemical called ASTRO-KERB while the frost is still in the ground it is to take out Annual grass &broad leaf weeds done by 9am and sun was coming out for a nice day so went and sprayed 22 acres of winter wheat with 3 chemicals called Exceed sx/ Omaha/ Supasect first two are for annual grass &broad leaf weeds supasect is for barley yellow dwarf virus finished by lunch time but ground was getting very sticky by then . in the afternoon I steam cleaned the tractor and sprayer washed out tank and topped it up of antifreeze as that's the last spraying for this year

  2. We get paid £31.67 per tonne based on the beet at 16% sugar (if 17% you get 1% more 18% you get 2%more and so on ) the factory take a dirt sample and take a bit back and also a bit if you leave to much green top on  so on a 29 tonne load you end up on average getting paid for 26 tonnes when you have filled your main quota the price for this year drops to £25 and same  deductions for dirt as above. next year the price is only £24 tonne main quota and about £5 tonne for the rest .

    there is a late deliveries bonus of about 36 pence a tonne from the 1st January 2015 rising up to £3.91 a tonne if factory is open till march 2015.

    W don't get the pulp back the factory sells this on we could buy some but has to be booked up a good 6 months in advance don't now the price at moment but it does sell out quickly the factory also sells topsoil and stones which is washed of the beet.

    I normaly grow about 16 acres but next year will only be growing 10 acres as there is too much surplus sugar in the world

  3. I have been allowing my 5-year old granddaughter to PLAY with some of my collection!   I am mad?  Possibly - but she was being very careful as requested and asked if she could take a few items out of the cabinet.  She also put back those she had finished with so I am happy.

    my granddaughter JASMINE has been helping me with my collection since she was 4 she is now 8 and got a small collection of her own and like me rights them all down in a book
  4. been d day for us with the wife's cancer results back today, very very glad to say they came back as all clear, so no more treatment required now ,to say we are happy is an understatement , been a long 4 weeks since our holiday with all of this happening so quickly so off into town tomorrow to get my euros for next weekend now we have the all clear to go

    Glad to hear the good news Sean also looking forward to seeing you at Zwolle next weekend

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