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Posts posted by smithy

  1. Timber again for the floor?

    Don't now what would be best? so as it was the front half that had gone rotten I have got 2 sheets of 4.8mm chequerplate coming today (Friday) to try on the front and the back half I will put back the original 30mm thick plywood what I took out of a container floor as this seems to be ok might look a bit odd but don't want to use all steel to start with as I think it might be a bit slippery for tires when wet. Chequerplate is £100 a sheet +vat so don't wont to do it all straight away in case it is slippery the height difference in middle wont matter to wheels and combination drill will sit ok
  2. post-1115-0-60840800-1399547545_thumb.jppost-1115-0-90017700-1399547622_thumb.jppost-1115-0-46791500-1399547692_thumb.jppost-1115-0-97882900-1399547446_thumb.jp

    I built this low-loader to take my combination drill around a few years ago and over the years its had a few mini-diggers;dumpers;and vintage tractors on it but the last dumper being a big one went through the wooden floor as the supports were to far apart and the floor a bit rotten so over the bank-holiday weekend I added some more supports (all the red bits)just got to replace floor now

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  3. attachicon.gif20140310_090129.jpgattachicon.gif20140310_090206.jpg

    My granddaughters wanted a tree house but not got a tree in garden to put one in so built this one on legs in my barn over weekend have now moved it into garden hope to finish it next weekend also hope JASMINE and GRACE like it. will post more pictures when finished


    apart from putting the felt on the roof the tree house is finished

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    Not today but this week rolled the wheat on last years sugar beet land on Monday then moved on to planting this years sugar beet on Tuesday which my neighbour drills for me seedbed was a bit cloddy as no frost tilth this year so I rolled them on Wednesday.

    spent Thursday over martyns cleaning up parts for his models and going back today to clean up some more as he has a large number off models to prepare for up coming shows

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  5. My Mum's amazing cooking, and the lengths she goes to at this time of year for Dad, my brother and I. She doesn't know yet but my brother and I will be treating her to a meal out on friday night at one of her favourite restaurants in Sheffield, Loch Fyne. :)

    yes look after both of them as they have taken care of you . Maybe few days early but happy new year to you all see you at next show

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