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Everything posted by smithy

  1. When we move the wifes wagon a short distance into the garden we just put a strap around a hook and i hold the shafts up which is ok for a short way also if down hill its a job to hold it as no brakes on the wagon ,next weekend i have to move it again up to the village hall so today i knocked together a drawbar that will slip on in place of the shafts and then can be dropped of and shafts added for display .All the steel was from the scrap pile ,the two red bits that are bracing the red drawbar are old bale-length arms of a N/H 377 baler
  2. Nice buys ,really like the E27n . Was there a lot of people about
  3. Thanks for photos Paul. The 77s ,you can see why model makers don't always get the model right as they have different exhausts, mirror arms are different and lights ,i am not knocking them tractors as i like them but if Mr universal hobbies turned up to look which one would he choose
  4. Also putting steel panels up in barn ,its the last side to do ,we take off the bottom row of asbestos sheets as the steel walling is more secure when finished ,we are also doing away with the small set of doors behind the panels as they was not wide enough to get tractor in ,using mag-drill to put holes in angle-iron that we bolt to floor to hold panels in place . Got a mate in on this job one or 2 days a week ,when ever he can spare the time at the moment
  5. MOT man turns up , with just water in tank he is checking the flow-rate from the nozzles ,after it has passed i was back out spraying the sugar beet again
  6. Also did a bit of maintenance on sprayer 2 of the 3 pipes was showing a few cracks , but i changed all 3 while i was about it as sods law the one i put back will start to leak/crack in a week or so . Also got the MOT coming up
  7. Managed to get some spraying done when the wind speed had dropped and a breakdown ,the oblong black program box in 2nd photo is a service exchange one ,other one crashed into a language i could not read and flow rate and speed was just noughts. GM-R SPRAYERS LTD got me up and running in a couple of days , also came across a neighbours tree down in my field ,i expect they wont cut it up ,just another job to add to my list
  8. 'Very' nice collection you have ,Thank you for sharing
  9. While over at does i picked these up ,they been holding them for me the last few weeks
  10. Took delivery of this ,it was ordered back in march ,Collings Brothers took delivery of it last week just in time for there open day last week ,its in the last photos i posted from the open day
  11. The important bit that i went for 😁 and as much tea/coffee and other drinks as you wonted , Pulled Pork in the rolls and sausages cut up and the salad ,two portions went down well in the 4hrs i was there
  12. Last Wednesday i nipped up to Pecks at ELY to pick up some JCB bits for myself and some parts for another farmer down near me , i then headed of to COLLININGS BROTHERS at ABBOTSLEY as they had a open day and i had been invited to go along .
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