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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Grandson Theo came up farm to try it out ,he soon put me on passenger seat as he wonted the seat with the steering wheel
  2. I got my other combine home yesterday ,the farmer i bought it of helped me by driving it while i towed the header trailer as a escort in front of him .
  3. I think one of you sheep is dead 😂 , nice little haul you have there . its took me a few minutes looking at them 2 things on the left of the photo to realizes they are pallet tines ,must be 🤔my age
  4. First photo standing in barn in dark ,2nd one with new lights on . They are 200% better than old ones and only use half the electric
  5. I changed the other old light that was still working at the same time ,so new lights up and turned on in daylight .
  6. Just before Christmas 2021 this old sodium light unit up in barn roof went bang and gave of a burning smell so turned switch of pretty quickly ,anyway only now got around to sorting it out ,granddaughter in JCB and cage on front she lifted me up to get light down . Old light next to the new replacement LED , the difference in size and weight is unbelievable, i really needed 3 hands to lift and unhook old one and new one i only needed two fingers
  7. As soon as i saw the does i thought of you John 😄. Yes it was a very good day out better than being stuck indoors
  8. No problem Paul ,cant believe the dry spell we have had last couple of weeks it was nice walking around on dry land some years down there its like dancing on ice but with mud .Was a very good day out
  9. Not models but jigsaws i bought today at the Doe Show, first 2 i bought out of Does shop. Franks Forge i bought direct of STEVEN BINKS as i bump into him as he was walking around the show and he had this jigsaw in his bag and i said i have the print on wall at home and he said he would sell me this one so deal was done. He also sighed and dated it top right corner
  10. Nipped down to the Doe Show today ,plenty of people about and loads of new/x-hire machine to buy or look at ,i only took a few photos of the vintage stuff
  11. I am not really a massey fan but i do like all tractors ,that is a masterpiece John well done ,would the loader have been a Gray,s (not sure i have spelt that right)as i think they was yellow
  12. Thanks for the photos Paul ,looks like a nice selection of tractors to view
  13. Wheels look ok David ,and good old Barry supplied them 👍
  14. Wow quite a collection there David ,i bet Trigger is drooling over them with his passion for M/F 😄
  15. I am planning on going on the Tuesday ,might bump into you if you are around
  16. Looking good shame i cant make it down this time up till about a week ago i was planning on driving down on the Sunday
  17. Nice trailer ,sorry to here you got the bug ,hope you are ok .Did not click the like button as you might think we like your stuck in your room .
  18. Well done on winning in the auction , smuggle it in and put it in a cupboard with some other models then a couple of days later say to the wife just going to give these ones a quick check-over and clean ,she will never now and you can have a good look at it 😂
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