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Everything posted by smithy

  1. How many body parts do he have left since his previous buys ๐Ÿค”
  2. Eldest son has a pet pig in his garden and its making a mess in its run so i have helped him concrete half of it and plan on doing other half in about 2 weeks time by then this half should have gone hard and pig proof ๐Ÿ˜„
  3. Looks good and it did not take you long to complete ,well done
  4. Looking good Paul ,and good to see your trainee has made a good job on the roof ๐Ÿ‘. Do you play tricks on your apprentice like asking them to get the metric adjustable ๐Ÿ˜‚ or send them to the stores for a long wait โ˜บ๏ธ
  5. Nice lot of models you have there ,Thanks for sharing with us.
  6. They was not expecting the clay/dirt that come out of the hole to take up as much room as it did ,and they was hoping to put it all back in ,they had not allowed for the 10 ton off sand that went around the tank and pipe and the volume that the tank takes up and in the bottom there is a pre-cast concrete base that the tank installers lowed into the hole for the tank to sit on ,thats why i had to arrange for 3 loads of very wet/heavy sticky clay/dirt to be taken away ,yes a little knowledge is dangerous
  7. Be a good item once its been restored ,i was planning on coming down to the show on the Sunday but my situation has changed now as something else has cropped up
  8. Later that week i filled in trench and scraped the hole area and got another load of dirt away and left it like this for the moment as it is all going to settle down ,plan is to lay a liner down and cover it over with stones like it originally was ,The couple that live there did say at the end of it they did not realise how big of job it was and wished they had gone with company that quoted to do the hole job in a week ,back in October 2021. And if Lamma had been on i would not have been there to backfill and if i had left them the digger i am sure they would have tipped it in the hole
  9. I got dirt back in hole and also some sand around the tank and then started to dig a fresh trench for pipe as i had filled the other one in so we had room to work ,trench is 800mm deep with sand in bottom so pipe will then be 600mm down
  10. Way back in October 2021 couple that live 2 houses away from my farm asked if they could borrow my mini-digger as they needed a hole to put a gas tank in ,if i was not busy ploughing and drilling i would have dug it for them so i stupidly let them use it ,anyway they dug part of the hole (no photo as i was not there) then decided to dig the trench that pipe has to go in then realised that trench was stopping them from getting back to dig rest of the hole which they was also not digging right as my mini-digger would not then reach right over the other side of hole to go deeper, long story short gas company looked at what they had tried to do and said no way are we working in that and cancelled job ,after a lot of discussions with gas company we came up with a plan ,i arranged with a grab-lorry to come and clear the dirt that was heaped up and was slowly falling back in the hole so that we could start again ,a farmer friend has a bigger digger than mine so i got him to come around and finish the hole with a step on each side half way down so sides are safer for gas company .On January 10th gas company put tank in and left me to backfill .
  11. My mates at Barking Engineering called me up this morning and asked could i just nip down the road and lift this in place for them โ˜บ๏ธ got me a few more model vouchers ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
  12. I dont disagree with you on them points allow a farm not far from me has a small JD with a beacon right in the middle of the roof and back in 1980 ,ish i had a Ford 6600 and i made a bar to go over the middle of the roof as there was 2 bolts there to fix to so i could have a beacon on it as i used to take a 4meter carrier drill down road with it still on the tractor ,roof being fibre glass i needed a flat bit of metal in middle to put a mag-mount beacon on
  13. Nipped into AGRI-HIRE to pick up some parts and these 2 was parked awaiting to be picked up ,a 10 tone model and a 18 ton model
  14. A mate of mine rung me on Wednesday if i was free could i go and lift his tiles up on scaffold for his roofers
  15. Yellow county's was making ยฃ120+ 15 years ago ,i bought a few and sold a few at the time
  16. Now thats better John , you could get them printed up and turned into cards . Another little side line for you
  17. Point and squirt ? ๐Ÿ˜ is that a chat up line ๐Ÿ˜‚
  18. I had to look twice , as well as making very good models John has a good eye for the camera angle
  19. Like Paul has just said ,stunning collection of builds there John ๐Ÿ˜, defiantly better than Fergy ๐Ÿ˜ฌ but not sure on the fords โ˜บ๏ธ
  20. Your childhood creations have served you well they do the job you intended them to do ,many a farm have there own home made implements knocking around ๐Ÿ‘
  21. I have got the new thermostat housing all fixed in place on the McCormick but not finished as yet as when i took the new temperature sender out of the box it was wrong ,went back to the dealer's and sorted it out that it was the right box with the right part number on but the wrong part in the box so awaiting the right one to come ,also put 2 new air-con belts on and 1 new alternator belt , sender unit on the mudguard is the old one that dont work
  22. Also last week my mate Eric rung me up and said his saw bench was not running right so i went and had a look and found the problem ,so had to nip up Ipswich to a belt company i deal with and get a matched pair of 3
  23. Spent a day helping the wife last week replacing some fence posts around her mรฉnage
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