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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Brilliant John ,have you made the cattle and Calf's to go with them as well πŸ˜‚
  2. Did not now weather to post this here or on whats on your workbench as this is sort of on my workbench at the moment ,the water temperature sender on my McCormick stopped working a few months back ,and i have had to reseal the top part of the housing in the past with a sealant as over the years of being in the heat they distort a bit and its advised to change the hole lot ,i have stripped it down over christmas but not put it back together as yet as i think the sender unit is wrong anyway i will nip out next week and see the boys over at SUFFOLK AGRI CENTER and ask them . All the bolts bar one came undone ok ,had to cut the head off one with my Dremal mini drill/disc cutter and the prize the bottom half of housing of the bolt as it was seized in side the housing once off i could undo the remaining part of the bolt with my fingers
  3. Nice find there Paul ,looking forward to future updates on this one
  4. Happy new year to all the forum members ,hopefully this year we can meet up again at a few shows
  5. That's a fantastic amount Paul ,well done to everyone that amount will help a lot of people in the area .πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘
  6. That's what i was thinking ,i keep looking on here last couple days to see what members are up to must have got some real good presents to keep them occupied or all got hangovers .
  7. Got this of my 2 year old grandson for Christmas ,he said i need it for the MXM 120 i bought of Goody a few months back ,best present this year ,better than the socks and pants i got πŸ˜‚πŸŽ…
  8. Better to have models for Christmas than socks πŸ˜‚πŸŽ…
  9. Shame its had to be postponed ,was really looking forward to this show and catching up with a good lot of people that i now πŸ™
  10. Just been and locked up the farm ,heavy rain at the moment hope it stops by midnight otherwise Santa's Sellotape is going to come unstuck πŸ™
  11. Thanks Paul and Gemma , hope you 2 have a wonderful time ,and to all other forum members HAPPY CHRISTMAS πŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ…
  12. Happy Christmas Corky ,i like you train photo and all of you other photos you post up ,look after yourself πŸŽ…
  13. Just got home from a 13hr day getting some chickens oven-ready with a couple of mates ,once they have been picked up in the morning we will be ready for the big day
  14. Nice job there well done ,yes the paint do look right from the photo
  15. Well done Paul looks like it was fun and yes i hope it has raised a good bit of funds
  16. Also from G&M yesterday, trailor is britains ,it wont tip as been clued down and paint job not the best but i liked it and it was thrown in the deal with the rest of the model so we all came away happy .
  17. On Saturday me and Goody was out and about so we called in at G&M FARM MODELS open weekend , and it was a good day looking at all the models ,and tea/coffee and cake πŸ‘
  18. Picked this up yesterday of Mr Goodwin as he had arranged to have some sent down
  19. Its that time of the year again ,been busy today getting this trailor ready to hold a few Christmas chickens
  20. Got home the other day and the wife had taken down of the wall one of my old cabinets that i had a few small models in .Anyway she had then moved this other floor standing cabinet from another room into my model room and put some of my tractor books in one side and the models removed from the old cabinet into the centre section of this one
  21. You now what they say ,Great Minds Think A Like πŸ˜„
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