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Everything posted by smithy

  1. This is mine that i resprayed a few years ago ,not quite the same as yours
  2. On the way back from the Croptec show on Wednesday i called in at Martyn's Farm Models and picked up my copy of this book that he had got in for me
  3. I nipped up to the East of England Showground ,Peterborough, on wednesday to the Croptec show ,only a small show but i went to get a few NRoSO points ,you could have a test drive in any of these machines ,i gave that bit a miss as i expect they would all be chasing me up for the next few weeks to buy one
  4. Plying me with free food ,drinks ,and hats ,he did say something about the boys over there will sort you out🙁
  5. My two sons had sheds basically the same as yours and exactly the same roof pattern , that was about 30 years ago ,one of are grandsons has still got them ,thanks for showing
  6. HaHa none so far ,but one of the chaps from case was keen for me to drive the Vestum with the loader on ,which i did
  7. The main thing is you made yours , and not being funny on a lot smaller budget well done
  8. Wife and grandson in this one ,i think it was his favourite as he would not get out of it ,had to bribe him with a hotdog 😂
  9. In the distance the important bit ,the food wagon ,order what you like all free
  10. Just got it out of the box , the base its fixed to make it feel heavy but yes it is light ,not sure if it steers as its fixed down tight on the base ,rear linkage dont move and not sure that you could put a implement on it for a Diorama ,tires dont look right on the treads but they are ok ,decals stand out and look nice ,bonnet/doors dont open but not a problem ,bit of detail in the cab regarding levers but nothing highlighted by different coulure paint its all black ,it is what it is a nice expensive model and i like it
  11. Its a heavy model ,not taken the screws out that hold it in the box but i think the front wheel will steer ,dont think the rear linkage move up/down allow mine might be just stuck dont want to force it ,there is not a lot of other detail to it as no cab its got the blue add blue filler painted ,bonnet dont open so like i say not a lot to it ,i saw the real one a few years ago when i was either in France or Germany cant remember but they said there would be a model so i made up my mind at the time to have one ,so its up to you if you like it get one
  12. HAHA don't need to throw down the gauntlet Phil i will let trigger win that one . Mr Goodwin probably would like to sell me one but he nows what my plan is at the moment but you never now so watch this space ,as they say ,might see you at the Doe Show 2022 you never now there might be a bargain to be had 🤔
  13. You say it knocks your model for six ,i think yours look ok
  14. I have not opened that one as yet ,only one that i looked at was the Autonomus as Mr Goodwin was around here sunday evening on a social visit
  15. Items i have bought over the last few months but only got around to picking them up on Sunday
  16. Bought this one of Mr Frater last weekend up at Newark
  17. Got this one of Mr Reeve a couple off weeks back also as a gift ,Thanks Martyn😃
  18. Mr Goodwin gave this to me as a gift a few weeks ago , a Dads Tractors Fuel Bowser 😄 Thanks Goody
  19. This sort of fertilizer we spread on the top of the stubble and plough it in at about 8-9 inches deep it will lock on to the soil particles and be there in the spring for the roots to take up ,the roots of the crop can go down several feet ,when the field was tested they take a sample from around 8-10 inches down . You can spread it on the top of ploughing and let it filter down with the rain but you would have wheel marks all winter and these act like mini-rivers in a really wet time and you end up with soil/nutrients in the ditches , it is common practice to spread it on top in the spring as it will be being used in a shorter time ,common one is 0-24-24 ,0 is nitrogen 24 is phosphate and the other 24 is potash , a 20-10-10 is 20%nitogen and 10 of each of phosphate/potash ,nitrogen is spread on the top as this needs to be in the top 2inches
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