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Everything posted by smithy

  1. We also fitted new rasp bars on the drum and then had to get inside the graintank and adjust the rear beater though the inspection hatch
  2. i also fitted a new rubber seal at the front of the grainpan and 2 new seals that go between the clean grain auger and the returns auger
  3. I put all new sections on the knife and a complete set of double fingers for it to run in
  4. Yes it is John ,clad i bought it ,cant remember what UTS said as to the maker
  5. we have not had a summer down here as yet dull days with just a few hrs of sunshine ,we have not had a lot of rain just 5minute showers which stops harvest for the rest of the day ,last weekend was wet but only 5mm over the 2 days we could have done with a bit more to get the rape growing that we have planted
  6. Back in April i took the complete front of the combine as i had a rubber seal to replace and a couple of other jobs in the same area ,i had spoken to a combine mechanic and he was going to come out and give me a hand the next week 🙁,next week come along but no mechanic ,when i spoke to him it was always going to be next week so in July one of my neighbours spoke to his mechanic about looking at my combine and he was here the next day and sorted 2 of the problems and ordered the parts for the other jobs
  7. Rain stopped are harvest as well ,and nearly all the roads around here are closed as someone is digging them up ,well done Martin your photos catch the scene just right 👍
  8. 3 items i bought from the Spalding toy fair at Crowlands
  9. A few weeks back i picked up these models , the 7610 is a DBP so i was told
  10. Got the wife a new muck trailer as she fell though the floor of the old one as the muck had eaten it away
  11. Not the best of photo ,a very wet Friday several weeks ago i was heading up to Kings Lynn and i was following a recovery truck with a van on it that just said ,Parcel Delivery on the side and a mobile no , anyway after a few miles behind it the rear doors slowly opened and 3 small parcels fell out ,i could not stop to pick them up as there was a few cars behind me and i expect one of them would have run them over ,so if you live in that area and are still awaiting delivery of some items they are probably flat on the road 😬
  12. Not today but a few weeks back weather was not on are side for haymaking so i put the chopper on and run over a few buffer strips VID_20210627_154824.mp4
  13. WOW i can see why you are building a shed , fantastic collection
  14. Hi John ,only picked this up yesterday as been too busy to get on here the last week or so . Glad to here you are on the mend when i saw the post saying you was feeling better i first thought oh no have you fallen off the new shed you are building i then found a post saying Hernia operation which made me feel better ,anyway you have a fantastic collection of Fords ,Thanks for sharing them
  15. I have just tried to upload some photos and error code 200 came up for me
  16. Then the bailing , Monday and Tuesday i baled 630 bales for myself and with the wife and other family members we carted them in ,and on Wednesday i did 660 bales for my neighbour and helped get them under cover by 8pm as since 10pm that Wednesday it started to rain and as of this morning it is still raining VID_20210614_142123.mp4 VID_20210614_142625.mp4
  17. Mower back up and running again VID_20210609_173048.mp4 VID_20210609_173154.mp4
  18. This was on my door frame the other morning , its a moth but no idea what sort
  19. as i had nearly finished mowing i felt a vibration as if i had lost a blade ,had a look and they was all there so finished the field i was on then went back to farm and tipped the mower over and found a bearing had gone on one of the free-turning discs ,so early next morning a quick trip to bearing company and it was back together
  20. Started on grass last week ,lot more grass in the swath this year VID_20210608_155323.mp4
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