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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Spent a day dragging some grass harrows around levelling out for a couple of gardens ,also a pallet behind the quad as i spread on the grass seed as you can see where you have been ,then gave it a walk over picking up the bigger stones then rolled it all down ,with the nice steady rain we have had today it might be poking though next week
  2. Got the major out the other day as i needed this roll that i had left tucked in a hedge for a grass seed job
  3. Most of last weekend i was spraying fungicides on the crops and a few hrs this week in the evenings or early mornings as its been to hot doing the day ,bit jumpy on the video as job to steer with your knees and hold phone at the same time VID_20210531_091501.mp4 VID_20210531_091903.mp4
  4. Glad to see Matt is still living the dream☺️ and you are all well and keeping busy ,your shed will be just the job for your tractors 👍
  5. I am pleased today as since lunch time we have been getting a nice steady rain doing all the crops a power of good also the grass seed i put in for my brother the other day
  6. I am with you on that one ,most of the people around here have them on there chin or on top of there head ,and as for the visors cant see the point in them because if a mask is to stop things going in or out whats stopping things coming in or out from around the sides ,visors are mainly used to protect your eyes from objects or splashes of liquid if mixing something up not the air born stuff or am i missing something
  7. Very nice pair there Paul , good job you have got the 465 home from across the border as maybe if they get there way you would have to pay a export tax ☺️, better go and get my tin hat on 😬
  8. This was a grassland blend ,we had some straight nitrogen with lots of different colour bits in it
  9. My Origin was not lumpy ,just different blends , brilliant model looks to be well made
  10. I also bought these models while at G&M open weekend
  11. I will box up a few ☺️ and you can pick them up this evening
  12. Myself and Goody went to G&M FARM MODELS open weekend on Saturday, it was a busy time for them while we was there with several other customers popping in ,many thanks to G&M for there hospitality. I picked this up while i was there not sure of the maker but it is based on a britains
  13. I have been trying to spray the sugar beet the last 10 days or so to take out the broad leaved weeds ,on saturday evening the wind dropped right down so i thought its now or never ,after about 40mm rain the last week it was a bit sticky on the top and going uphill in places wheels was a slipping but i got it done and was dry for the following 5or6 hrs so chemical should start to work ,sorry if videos are a bit poor as its a job to steer, hold phone and keep a eye on booms all at once VID_20210522_183338.mp4 VID_20210522_183438.mp4
  14. Been a wet week down here so i got busy on these Pluton legs by cutting the old worn point/wings off and welding on a new foot ,i also put a 2nd hand bit of ware- shim on the front of the legs at the bottom ,if it hard and dry after harvest they will do 20-30 acres ,if there is a bit of moisture they will do 50 acres +
  15. On Friday morning we was having the sprayers MOT done which it passed with no problems ,it was blowing a gale and steady rain throughout the test , anyway i got out of my wet clothes at went to Campsea Ash where Clarke and Simpson are holding a collective sale on line ,finishing as from Monday morning onwards , here is a few items in the sale
  16. Went over my mates farm to look at his 856 he has just bought for grass cutting duties and possibly put it on his baler ,he was not there so i could not get it out of the shed as he had left his car blocking the way
  17. The other weekend i went over Mr Reeves and picked up my E27N ,i took it over his a few years ago when his village had a tractor rally ,and at the end of the day because it was late i put it in his shed ,never forgot about it but basically kept saying i will pick it up shortly ,in the end my granddaughter Jasmine got on to me as she wonted Doris(that the name she has given it ) back home and in the shed that we built for it a few years ago . Its all in running order allow it has a slight leak on the paraffin side of the tank that i WILL sort out this coming winter .
  18. A few weeks ago i posted on here the damaged grain cleaning fan blades that got bent when a bearing case snapped while running it in the yard ,for new bits it was going to be about £1500 ,anyway i got in touch with a well know combine breaker that sold me all the parts for a hell of a lot less money including the delivery ,the back edge of the blades had all the paint but the front edges that loose the paint over the years had just gone a bit rusty so i gave them a quick clean up and then gave the a new coat of paint , eagle eyed ones of you will say the colourer is wrong ,yes it is the newer TX paint which i had to wait 2 weeks to get and i thought it will be at least 3 weeks to change it and once fitted inside the combine you wont see them so paint is better than no paint . There is a pully in the picture that i had sent down at the same time as the one on my combine has a bit of play in the centre, a brand new pully is £3000 +vat ,the 2nd hand one was £200 and it feels a lot tighter than my one is ,not fitted it as yet to confirm that it is better as i am awaiting a combine mechanic to give me a look to check over the rest ,but i thought its worth the gamble
  19. I can not say on here but they have let me out on bail 😁 i am thinking about asking them to put one of them ankle straps on my other leg as it helps keep my socks up ☺️
  20. i think the love button must be on some other site 😁 just be careful what you google
  21. I asked them today if they had it in stock and Unforgently they dont ,they have some more on order from suppliers but not sure when they will be in as like a lot of other models they are all out off stock ,they did have one possibly 2 of the gold ones
  22. I am not really into trucks but there is something about them big ones i tend to like credit to you for donating some of your collection to charities i have never donated any of mine but i have on a few occasions gone out and bought a model to give to a good course
  23. Yes good to see you back on here ,i pushed the like button on your post as a way of saying i am clad you are ok ,like Robbo has said take you time and you will get there
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