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Everything posted by smithy

  1. I then went back to the meadow and got my chainsaw out which i was told to take as i had to cut this tree that was blocking the path to this little shed which inside was a 2 ton trailer and a 20hp siromer similarto the one i already own ,as it had been stored for 5 years with the help of the gardener that had turned up to help me we towed it to the same place as the baler
  2. Once in the meadow i uncovered this baler pumped the tires up as it had sat there for 5 years and carefully got it out and down the road to a farm where he had arrange for me to drop it off for a few days
  3. Last week a good mate of mine asked me if i could help him out +i could buy the machines if i would like .i had to take my little case 4240 to get though a small wooded area though some small gates out onto a old meadow ,it took me 1hr 45 minutes to get to the place at a steady 22mph
  4. Last weekend we was spreading grassland fertilizer ,its all supposed to be the same ,we had 10 600kg bags to spread and no 2 where the same , it was origin fertilizer
  5. After giving my mates tractor a steam clean i took some photos and was going to send them off to classic tractor to be put in the for sale section but i then took a call from someone saying that he had been told about it and could he come and look which he did and made a offer very close to what my mate was looking for so we sold it ,it is going to be used to harrow and top some meadows ,but i do expect it to be sold on again later on in the year VID_20210315_174853.mp4
  6. Very sad day but you tractor boys clubbed together and gave him a splendid send off ,thats why i have clicked the like button .
  7. So i sent my grandson, Theo with his new tractor (he was 2 last week) to pull ☺️ out VID-20210328-WA0005.mp4 VID-20210328-WA0006.mp4 VID-20210328-WA0007.mp4
  8. One of the many jobs we have been doing in the last week or so ,powerharrowing ready for sugar beet which should be planted tomorrow VID_20210401_082201.mp4 VID_20210401_090504.mp4
  9. I was in Agri-Hire again the other day and this is one that they had just built for a customer
  10. Bloomfield's, yes did grass kit and they was the best N/H Combine dealer around for parts and service ,they had a big stock of new and refurbished parts on the shelf , all there workers would go the extra mile to help you out , sadly they no longer deal in machinery they only do grain handling equipment ,and i think they are owned by Ben Burgess
  11. Yes it was Len Tuckwell , i had a mate that was in his eighty's when he passed away about 10 years ago he used to demonstrate them , he told me there was 4 or 5 Russians come over to help sort out any problems ,none could speak English , Tuckwells put them in bed an breakfast at i think it was the Cherry Tree Inn at Debenham , the landlord at the time had to call in Len Tuckwell as they had a habit of spitting on the floor
  12. You need another storage shed as i notice you keep your flat 8 grab up on the roof ☺️ . The night time shots look good
  13. Yes it was Tuckwells of Worlingworth . There is a one man band dealer out near Sudbury that i got a water pump from a couple of years ago ,he is Chris Bright or Brightwell cant remember ,i went there to pick up the pump but the gasket was missing so he said he would deliver it ,i was expecting him to turn up in a van but he pulled into my yard in one of them orange 3 wheeled Bond-Buggies
  14. Had to chuckle at this ,inside the big delivery bag was a smaller white bag ,inside the white bag there was a clear plastic bag ,inside the clear plastic bag was a small white box ,inside the box was the part i ordered for my mates yellow David Brown ,a new Glow -Plug . no wonder we have a waste problem with all this unnecessary packaging
  15. Gave my mates Belarus a wash down ,once i had cleaned my glasses i noticed i had missed a few bits so will run over it again as soon as i can find the time VID_20210315_174853.mp4
  16. Had to go to one of my local dealers this week , AGRI-HIRE at Bramford near Ipswich , the owner Tim Hubert has had his Dowdeswell DP8 A plough that he uses for match ploughing shot blasted and painted up and them rebuilt with new wearing parts ,then he has sat it in a frame with hidden wheels and pushed it into there showroom ,as we cant walk around the show room at the moment i could only take this one photo
  17. I can only repeat the complements that all the above forum members have said John ,absolutely fab 👍i must say
  18. once again you have captured some realistic shots ,keep up the good work
  19. very nice martin allow the sky dont look to good if you took them photos today you been lucky its been rain here all day 😒
  20. Well done John ,that was his first 8210 sale when he worked at Potters of Wickham market .
  21. yes a bit beefier like you say ,not sure about being same as the NH its probably a bit to big for the jobs i have in mind but you never know ,yes its in good condition and i do now the present owner and yes he is one of Goodies customers
  22. not exactly right ,we are thinking of swopping my case 4240 which is ok on cutting grass but at 92hp it is not suitable for the other implements we use ,only really looking at the moment ☺️
  23. We come across this photo the other day ,it was taken in 1982/83, no prizes but can anyone name the person standing next to it
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