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Everything posted by smithy

  1. The wife sent me off the other day to get a trial sample of some hay from someone she had been told about thats got a few for sale ,i come home with a rotavator, saw bench, and a non runner vandalised scooter , 😀 oh and two round bales of hay
  2. When the trailers finally got worn out i took the makers plate of to keep in my collection
  3. To add to my above post as i see SIMONG has clicked the like button ,we used to combine his grandads farm with the Matadors , and Simongs father used to cart the corn away with a ford 3000 and a ford 4000 and sometimes we had the 5000 on the trailor ,the trailers would have been 4 ton Wheatley:s .
  4. I spoke to Goody yesterday and told him you had thanked him on here i also thanked him ,he said he would look himself shortly but he is snowed under with paperwork to do with the items he has sold over the last few weeks
  5. My farther used to run 3 Matador Gigants , when i was about 8 or 9 years old i had the 10 foot cut one the other 2 was 12 foot cut , when i was 12 years old i had one of the 12 foot cut ones ,i can clearly remember driving it up Needham Market High street one day when my school mates was all off to school ,my 6 weeks summer break from school used to last about 10 weeks
  6. Very nice John , i am off to Grahams works tomorrow to pick up some items ,if i see him i will also thank him for you ,i now he is very busy at the moment with sales coming off the back of the online Doe Show
  7. Good book ,i have that one in my collection
  8. very nice Martin, is it gas powered or diesel
  9. looking at them stamps as they have 41p on some and 37p and a 13p one ,not sure on up to date stamps but that could be a collection that has been broken up as stamps that was bought years ago can still be used and adding up them penny's come to the price of sending the parcel .If the stamps had 1st or 2nd on them and was bought a few years back they are still 1st or 2nd class today allow the price has gone up . I have every stamp that came out from about 1973 up till about 2005 in a collection all in mint condition i was going to sell them a few years back as not interested in them no more ,only got them as we used to run a post office on the farm together with a shop and it seemed like a good idea at the time anyway auctioneers put a value of about £4000 on them but as stamp collecting was not in fashion these days i would be lucky to get £750 and the buyer would only break the set up and use them ,now £4000 would have got me a few more tractor models (as long as the wife did not now) i decided to keep them as i thought for £750 i might as well use them myself anyway collection is still complete and in one of my cupboards
  10. also when i clicked on it to try it this come up and i could not get back on the forum till now just over 4hrs later
  11. Ok thanks ,you still have to scroll to the top of the page you are on to see it to click on it ,on my computer here i just have to click on a arrow which is at the top left hand side and it takes me back to the home page .
  12. What a difference a week makes ,last week in the snow i was out in the tractor and what few cars was about was waving to me as we was going around pulling vehicles out also tooting there horns as a thank you today i have been cutting a hedge on the side of the road that would start to overhang the road if left ,the blasts on the horns today was not a thank you it was a get out of my way blast together with a lot of hand movements which i am sure was not a wave them same people will be ringing up the local radio station bit later on in the year and complaining that the farmers dont cut the hedges back .
  13. what is the little orange circle up the left hand corner with a tractor in it for ?
  14. I pulled a big sprinter van with a 3 axle trailer on the back of it the other day in the snow with just a plain standard bit of rope
  15. I had to go to my local dealers today ,Doe Power Framlingham ,while i was there i treated myself to this Power Major
  16. That was a nice surprise Paul ,better than a box of chocolates in a way ,at least you can look up you drawbar pull and your shaft speed
  17. we had fords with the indicators on the mudguards, they was ok but in the dark they sort of blinded you as they flashed though the windows , we fixed them up on the roof so they stuck out like a pair of ears
  18. I have always liked the Valtra models ,will have to add them to my list of to get models ,thanks for showing
  19. Your right about the animals ,i walked across one snow covered field and the amount of different animal foot prints going in every direction was unbelievable, we have a barn owl fly along a water-course at the back of ours as it has grass margins both sides to hunt along allow it must be tough for them at the moment . You defiantly have more snow to deal with than i do and as from today down here it should turn milder allow just seen the forecast and it looks like you may be getting freezing rain come over
  20. Went for a ride around today looking to see if the pigeons where attacking the rape ,only found these 3 enjoying the snow
  21. I know its not a model but did not wont to do a separate post for one mug , if you registered to bid on items in the online Doe Show they sent you a free mug
  22. This one is my mate ,that lives up near Kings Lynn at a village called Walpole , he was tipping a load of horse muck and trailor just rolled over as that side wheels went though the frosted ground as he was tipping it up
  23. Not my photo ,i have a mate up at Kings Lynn and he sent it to me it is somewhere near March
  24. After having my Gov 19 jab cancelled 3 times over the last week do to supply then the snow ,4th time lucky i have had it this afternoon ,hopefully by having it in the long run it will help others
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