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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Very nice John ,would look good in my cabinet will defiantly have to place a order before too long
  2. As my yard was very muddy though digging some off it up to burry electric cables ,on Saturday i got my old Strimech brush out from the around the back not used it for a few years ,when i first got it it had a linkage to slide your pallet tines in as i did not have anything with tines at the time i took that bit off and put a headstock of a lely powerharrow on so it could go on 3 point linkage i also put some wheels on the back frame thats on it but as they had perished tires on saterday i took them off ,it did a reasonable job as my yard is not that level allow its made a mess on the back of the tractor . once this snow has gone and dried up a bit i will run over it again
  3. Sunday afternoon we had a bit more and by monday morning are village was cut off as they was big drifts across the roads ,a couple of farmer went out and dug there way though ,we had a bit more monday night but wind had dropped so it did not drift and the tractor mounted snowploughs went though ,we have had a tiny bit today but roads are basically clear around here but a bit over from us the roads are still blocked
  4. If the man with the 110 double cab is the person i am thinking off you might need 3 padlocks on the shed bit of a dodgy character ,allow i thought he has something to keep him at home in the warm at nights
  5. Nice models ,i sometimes but from Tractor Connection like you say a good company to buy from
  6. It is only a light dusting here at the moment but it is still coming down in small bits
  7. Still dark here at the moment but it has just started to snow ,its been raining most of the night , we are supposed to get a good bit today
  8. I think you have more chance of clearing snow than spreading fertilizer if the forecast is right , down here in suffolk people are having a job to walk the footpaths around the fields as they are so wet ,anyway good to see you have your kit ready
  9. They look excellent to me ,i will have to place a order one day well done
  10. Bought this of a good mate of mine as he is downsizing his collection . Scaledown County Four Drive Tractor ( 1955 )
  11. Just been watching the BBC tribute to Sir Captain Tom Moore ,a remarkable man
  12. I also dug these out , i had forgotten i had them ,it do look like the 3d printed cultivator is a ransome with the single beam ,allow i have not looked to see if it is exactly the same
  13. This is the ransomes cultivator that is in my yard ,it actually belongs to Simong a fellow member on here ,i had a deal with him a few years ago but i could not remember yesterday if it was still in my yard . And i was aware this one was different to the 3d printed one
  14. The 1/32 diepwoeler c90 at £22-76 looks good value ,to me it looks very much like the subsoiler that Ernest Doe made specially to go behind there Triple D tractors
  15. several years ago i had 2 Howard rotavators ,both the same the lower link arms just went on to pins on the rotavator this 3d printed one has jaws for the lower link arms ,the gearbox on mine was in the middle with a round bit of tube on one side housing the drive shaft to the chain on the side that drives the rotor , this one seems to have a round shaft right across the back linking both sides , it could be a Howard but not the same as what i had . I do like this 3Dprinted one and like Catkom3 say its a good price
  16. Not sure i was looking at the right photos but it might be a ransomes but the cultivator that i have has two bars that the tines are bolted to ,if its is in my yard i will get a picture tomorrow ,(i had lent it to a friend not sure if its back ) as for the rotovator it looks similar to a Howard but it is not the model i had a few years back allow i stand to be corrected on that
  17. I had a socially distanced business meeting with Mr Reeve last week and i bought this scaledown fordson of him
  18. UK Power was here on Friday and took down the over head cables that crossed the yard over to the barn and put a new cable under ground in the duct that i had put in ,they also put a new cable across the main road onto my pole in the yard to take the feed off , just need it to dry up a bit so i can get rid of some of the mud
  19. My granddaughters have built this LEGO model for me over this weekend
  20. Some more good finds there Paul/John , and your knowledge on this range of tractors is very impressive
  21. With your newfound modelling skills and me with the granddaughters help yes maybe we can start a new trend
  22. Just been to asda to get the grocery shopping with the wife as she needed some help to push the trolleys around as we was also getting 2 other peoples shopping ,anyway she bought me a present i will have to wait for the grandchildren to come around and build it for me or perhaps Robbo could give me a hand
  23. Got this bit all connected up and filled in when its a bit dryer i will whack it down and top up with planning's
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