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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Same around here Paul , i followed a group the other day for about 4 miles i was in my tractor with a lowloader trailer on the back and there was no way i could get by them safely , by the time they turned off from the way i was going there was at least 50 cars/vans behind me , if its a tractor and you get about 10 vehicles behind you ,you are by law supposed to pull over and let them by ,cyclists dont
  2. I was seriously thinking of coming up for the first time ,as long as i had all my drilling done ,Goody might have come up with me as well
  3. Sorry to hear that Sean, i now several people that have had the same symptoms over the last few years ,thats why i dont have one
  4. Yes it surprised us how many households took part and like you say they have been busy putting the effort in ,over the weekend several cars was driving past slowly with the children in the back looking at them all and some getting out to take photos ,hopefully its gave lots of family's a bit of enjoyment in these strange times
  5. I had a mate pull in the yard the other day to ask if i could give him a hand to lift this off
  6. One of my granddaughters, Ella aged 5 saw a scare crow out in a field a few weeks back and asked he mum what it was ,she then said could she make one ,they then had a idea of making them and putting out for Halloween night ,word got around the village and i think 41 households joined in , i did a good trade in straw for stuffing them anyway here is a few of them
  7. I had a meeting up at Kings Lynn last week and after that i nipped up the A17 to a couple of dealers in Lincolnshire to view some machinery ,i past this gang working out in difficult conditions and this nice IH in one of the yards
  8. I drilled a field last year with my combination drill for my mate Colin ,he has returned the favour this year by drilling some land for me with his Weaving tined drill ,real good drill go though a bit off trash and sticky soil without blocking , i have been trying to find a good second hand one since last year but no good 4 metre ones around as every one is hanging on to them do to the wet weather , Also it was about a 3/4 month wait for a new one as weaving was flat out making them
  9. Couple of fridays ago i nipped over to view the lots coming up in a online auction , the Evrard self-propelled sprayer started its working like next door to me at Bricett Hall (Oliver Cooper ,he was on Mud ,Sweat and Tractors the other week ,Agroco Farms , ) he then sold it to my other mate Combine Kenny ,he used it for a few years in his contracting business, i was not expecting to come across it in this sale
  10. I have lifted the rest of my sugar beet , the loading shovel and cleaner loader belongs to my neighbour, i just use them to get the lorry's away a bit quicker, its my tractor trailer carting away the trash out of cleaner loader
  11. This was about 2 weeks ago ,rest of the field was wet but able to get along ok ,this headland was just slop ,got though it twice ,just about but had to leave a bit undrilled ,i dont expect much to grow on this headland
  12. Are the floor boards coffee stirrers from McDonalds ?
  13. 3 of are local diy stores had very long queues this past weekend and on sunday a mate of mine managed to get into two of them and the shelves was empty off basically everything, the food stores are the same
  14. Duel wheels really need 2 people to put on/off safely and as i work on my own 90% of the time they are a pain , my front tires on drilling tractor are 550mm wide and rears are 650 mm . I have about 30 acres to drill that has already been pulled down ,thats the problem ,if it was still on the plough it would be dryer , i then have about 20 acres to plough and drill once the rest of the sugar beet come out , the 1 field of beet we lifted the other week so the electric company could do there upgrade's to the cables by the 2nd week of October has been put back to the 2nd week of November now as they have run out of workers to do the job ,just hoping it dont get much wetter as they will make a tidy mess .
  15. The tires on that tractor are fairly wide , i have a set of stocks duals that i used to use on a different tractor but when its as wet as this the gap between the two tires get jammed full of mud and then you cant get them off and as i do a lot of road work its hassle getting them on and off and transporting them around ,as for cage wheels they was ok in the spring when it was drying out but they just fill right up of mud in conditions like this
  16. If it was no so wet i would have left them on for a bit longer but i could not get any grip and its only going to get wetter
  17. Had the major in the barn last week giving it a check over as my good farming mates father had passed away a couple of weeks ago and back in the 1960 his first new tractor was a major so i was asked if i would drive mine to the church and park up at the main entrance ,the tractor was a good talking point for the few of us that was able to attend on a sad day which was made worse by the heavy rain at the time
  18. Because of the very wet conditions i have had to put a new set of boots on my drilling tractor
  19. On Thursday 24 we loaded this lorry with sugar beet as the factory had been in touch as they need one load to go in so they could weigh it on all there weighbridge's to make sure they are all calibrated correctly , nice to now i had the very first load of the season go in , the rest of the beet from that one field went in on the Friday and the Monday so that the factory had got a small stockpile before opening on the Tuesday
  20. 22nd september we lifted one of my fields of sugar beet , mainly because the electric company going to upgrade over head power lines and bury one of them underground . Are local factory was opening on the 29th September
  21. We spent a day cleaning up my seed and my mates back in sunny September , to dammed wet to get it planted at the moment
  22. Because i am stupid and still growing oil seed rape i have been out a few times at night spraying them dammed flea beetles
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