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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Had to go and chop the grass on a old redundant air base ,i have done it in the past ,i took my granddaughter with me so once i had got the outside done i let her drive and do the middle bits , i can then have a quick sleep while sitting in the passenger seat
  2. Combines are moving around me in wheat but mine just need a few more days so I have been moving some topsoil i was told i could have ,tipped it on clay headland , trailer is a 8ton model with 10 ton wheels so i could get a good heaped up load on each time ,in 2 days i did 28 loads ,6 mile round trip loading myself with bucket on JCB ,
  3. I have had my eldest granddaughter driving today carting the oil seed rape ,and also my youngest granddaughter having a ride hopefully leaning how to cart the crops back home
  4. its not in bad condition ,the cab interior just needs tidying up ,as for what was wrong with it the fuel was full of condensation (water)
  5. I took a load of straw to some horsey people on sunday morning and had to tow this 4600 out of the way as they said it was a non-runner and not used it since last year ,i said do you wont to sell it if so how much ,i went back that afternoon and picked it up ,had it running after a couple of hrs on Monday morning
  6. I have also been helping a very good mate of mine with his bailing , i have been doing the road work delivering the bales to his customers while he has done the bailing and loading ,the case is mine rest of the machinery is his
  7. Made a start on the winter barley on Saturday, finished it today annoyingly i got a puncture in the header trailer
  8. Myself and Goody had booked to go and view Cheffins online vintage auction today , not many people about
  9. The people that are put the roof on my barn have this machine to use ,they put me in it and lifted it 10 meters up so i could have a look about my yard
  10. Last Tuesday i got asked to move this 2 containers about 3 miles away from mine
  11. Had to strip down one of the front hubs on the McCormick yesterday as a oil seal was starting to leak
  12. Like John has said it looks like its going good ,we have had drizzle every day this week apart from today so we not got started with the combine as yet ,Thanks for showing
  13. Trigger ,its a 1993 and the person that owns it said make a sensibly offer ,pm me if you are really interested
  14. The man we bought it of was trying to sell us this car as well ,its been off the road a few years but apparently it runs well
  15. I had a call of Mr Goodwin the other day as he had received a call about a tractor fore sale ,as i was busy i told him to go and look which he did and made arrangements to pick it up sunday morning ,it started straight away but took 2hrs to get it out from all the brambles ,long grass ,even had to move a shed that was laying in the nettles in sections .Anyway myself and Goody have gone half's on it and we will decide what to do with her over a curry one night ,at the moment its sitting in my yard , its a 454 3 cylinder ,the bonnet is in the back of goodys truck ,for me it was a 6hr round trip with the McCormick
  16. We have idiots drive like that around here ,i had 2 overtake me today one nearly hit a ambulance coming the other way with its blue lights on ,other one overtook me on a blind bend
  17. Got in trouble of the wife a couple of times last week as i was up the farm till 11pm ,she said what have you been doing so late i just said working on the combine , she found out today what i really was doing as some of the grandchildren called in. might get a few brownie points for this one
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