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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Sprayed the rape off this morning ,should have been done a few days ago but weather was against us
  2. Nice tractor Simon , do you have far to travel to work now ,do you have a base
  3. Is the baking a hint to Valley axe man haha, anyway yes your kit does look in good condition and owning your own you can go as and when its ready ,instead of waiting on contractors , I now what you mean on seagulls allow I would have thought they would all be down on the coast today pinching chips of the people overcrowding the beaches . Nice blue sky you have there ,we have been bailing since 11am today stopped about 6pm as the other 3 bits we have to do really need a bit more time allow storms might move in tomorrow ,we had 300 small bales of are own to move tonight which we have done
  4. It was good fun at the time but did not do my hay fever any good my eyes are still watering this morning the bit I missed there John I got next time around ,that was a very tight corner and I was doing my best to not use the clutch and lose P.T.O. power well that's my excuse , the man on the hay turner will put the rows right the crop is ok as that bit did not have any fertilizer
  5. I have been out all day cutting grass for hay for a few customers using my case 4240 and mower so when I got back home this evening to cut about 1-1/2 acres for myself I thought I would try out the major on the mower for a bit of fun ,corners was a bit difficult as the p.t.o. is not live-drive and as I dip the clutch to go backwards the drive to mower stops then needs a bit of power as it restarts as I lower it back into work ,was ok on the rest as I just swung around on ends and straight back into work
  6. It wobbles your shelf so everything falls over haha
  7. Well done glad you got a better deal ,I was going to push the like button but I don't like the first bit but I do like that you walked out and went elsewhere
  8. As it was a wet morning I went though some old Manuals that I was given a few weeks back and in with them was these old photos , they have been damp in the past as they was a bit stuck-together
  9. Nice straight rows you have made there John ,looks a decent bit of grass and dry ground conditions .
  10. I am not sure on the age ,it is stored undercover in a open fronted building ,it don't get used as much these days as he don't keep cattle these days he used to have up to 10 bullocks and this was used for the mucking out and carting the straw in ,he only has chickens, ducks and guinea-fowl about the place now . There is a grey fergy with transport box there as well which he uses for carting his stuff around . It was the loader that I was mainly thinking about as it is basically the same as the one on one of your models that you recently posted up photos
  11. This field of sugar beet was planted on April 1st ,the odd one or two beet had come though but it was just to dry for the rest but since the rain last week the rest are now coming up
  12. We have finally got the new roof sheets on site so the roofers made a start on Saturday and was back on site today ,one more bay to complete with sheets then seals up the sides to make it bird proof .
  13. I was chopping this rough bit of grass last week at Tothill Garage just outside Stowmarket on the A14
  14. This is just some of the bale string that myself and a very good farming friend bought as it is in short supply at the moment ,Mr Goodwin gave us a very good deal as we bought every bit of small bale string his branch had left .
  15. Last week as it was wet I built a set of shelfs and put some of my vintage spare parts on them in the shed/garage that I keep my major in ,I also laid a path beside the shed with some second hand pavers that have been around the farm about 10years
  16. While the weather was good we have done a good bit of this ,we are about 3or 4 weeks early on this but grass needed cutting as it was dying off ,some fields the bale count was only about 50 down but some other bits was between 200 to 300 bales down , I still have 5 small fields to cut so hopefully this rain might put on a bit of growth
  17. A neighbouring farm changed hands a year back ,the new owners have had roughly 100 acres drained ,they laid a main 9 inch pipe across one of my fields to take some of the water down to a main watercourse that we cleaned out last year
  18. A couple of weeks back I had a mate of mine help me get these blocks in place in the barn ,we had to cut the top of one of them to get it under the beam ,we now have a small bay for barley and a bigger bay for wheat
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