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Everything posted by smithy

  1. That is a wonderful view to have Paul and in that sunshine your tractor stands out
  2. Really nice collection of the smaller ones that you have there Paul Thanks for sharing them with us . I have not forgot about getting a picture of the nuffy and loader that is just down the road from me ,I have spoken to him and when I go and cut his hay I can get a photo ,its behind a locked gate at the moment as he is shielding
  3. Is it going for silage or hay ,it certainly has a nice colourer to it in the bottom ,some I have seen have gone brown
  4. You certainly have a nice lot of 1/32 ,several in there I would like to have thanks for showing
  5. Forgot to say in last past the Ditch witch is a marvels machine Ares was only a little job but it saved us a lot of time an effort ,your lot should get on well with them
  6. I had these ALFABLOC delivered the other day ,neighbours in the houses next to my farm asked what they was ,I said its my tribute to Stonehenge
  7. As my son helped me with jobs around the farm while he was of work he said can you help take down the old conservatory ,as it gets to hot in the summer and to cold in the winter and it leaks and build me this timber framed replacement , no wonder my wrist don't get any better had 3 flare ups with it in the last couple of months ,anyway just a bit more cladding to put on than its over to him to paint it ,inside and out
  8. one of my mates that helped me on the barn asked if he could borrow the 5ton digger for a couple of days ,his next door neighbour said she would like to dig out the pond at the bottom of here garden that as a child she could remember playing in ,here father and grandfather had filled it in as they was afraid the children would fall in and not get out ,so my mate said yea no problem do that in a couple days over the weekend five days later after getting all this scrap out they started to shape the pond ,allow a bit smaller than the original plan it was a job they wished they had never started ,there was 22 bicycles , 2 mini sub frames ,car doors ,other car parts including 4 engines ,one sewing machine and as you can see loads more ~~~~
  9. This bay of the barn is going to be used as a workshop , I got my son to help the other day break out the floor under the new roller door as it was un-level and then we re-laid it
  10. one of the new posts in the floor ,and the back wall all in place ,we also took out a section at the front of the barn and had a new roller door fitted , we still have the original sliding doors on the other side as a 2nd entry /exit place
  11. I started back in February doing some major alterations on my barn , we took off some of the big six asbestos sheets and replaced with some steel grain walling ,we also dug some holes inside to put in some additional posts to hold a fresh internal grain wall ,(that's how I messed up my wrist ) anyway I had a couple of my mates step in to help out and my brother called in when he could to help out + my granddaughter helped out with the red oxide painting . A bit of the floor was breaking up so we ripped that out and re-laid it .
  12. After all the wet weather we had the ground soon dried out rock hard back in march so I had to quickly change the tines on the power harrow ,it was a job to find a company at the time that had tines in stock and also the lockdown was not helping ,anyway a mate of mine picked a set up from a company that he deals with and Mr Goodwin got me another set for my other power harrow , the tines are mainly made in Italy with Chinese steel so there could be a series shortage come harvest time
  13. Good to see Matt is still at work doing a job that I am sure he likes
  14. Just before the lockdown I went to Stuart Gibards open weekend ,this is 3 of the items that I bought
  15. The shed that I fatten up a few Christmas chickens in was a bit rotten at the back it also sticks out into my sons garden ,so to keep myself and my son busy /occupied doing this lockdown we took the back of and a section from each side and then started to rebuild it and my son has now got a slightly bigger garden for his children to play in
  16. It was great fun driving around all day ,the light lunch was all right and there was coffee or tea all around the event to help yourself to and on the way home Mr Goodwin treated us all to a fantastic carvery . One of my farming mates that was with us on the day had bought a new farmall and loader of Goody a few months before ,so far he has not tempted me to change anything but you never know
  17. Just before the lockdown I dug out a base in my sons garden for a patio and a summer house to stand on ,as the trailer was not a tipper we had to drive mini-digger over and pull the dirt back of the trailer
  18. Back at Goodys we had to put oil feed pipe across his garden ,so because of my wrist problem and not being able to use my right arm for digging he had a mate of his bring this machine over one morning , what would have taken us 3or 4 hours to dig by hand was done in 15 minutes by this machine
  19. Back in February I got invited to a case demo day ,so Mr Goodwin picked myself up and 2 other farming friends and headed up to Newark ,as well as all the static machines on display there was nearly one of everything that you could jump in and drive ,move muck about ,a great day out
  20. Thought I had better have a catch up on this topic ,time/days just seem to be flying past at the moment . This is the base for Goody's oil tank that we got cemented and the path we dug out before I hurt my wrist , anyway with a lot of hard work from Mr Goodwin on the shovel feeding the mixer we got the pathway laid and I floated it up with my left hand as the right one was still out of action .
  21. You should not be bored at the moment ,you have a book to read
  22. I was told you cant put a private plate on a agriculture machine ?
  23. Good to see you 1/32 collection , you have certainly got a few hidden away that are now seeing daylight
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