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Everything posted by smithy

  1. PDC was always on the first table to the left as you entered the small hall
  2. its a loader tractor ,if I remember rightly the loader is exactly the same as on your model , I will try to see him in next few days and get a photo
  3. A smallholder just down the road from me has the real thing , I go to his to make his hay if I remember I will get a picture
  4. Hi Bluegreen, on Monday night/Tuesday morning we got 3mm , during Tuesday we had a bit more bringing total then up to 7mm ,by Wednesday evening total was 10mm ,we have had a bit more today so by 8pm tonight rain gauge was saying 16mm in total since Monday evening ,it is slowly getting down to spring sow crops but really need a bit more.
  5. I was rushing around on Monday getting fertilizer on before the expected rain on Tuesday ,other picture was taken Tuesday afternoon its not that clear but I moved the slightly damp clods to reveal the still bone dry soil underneath ,its the lighter bit in the middle and if you look hard there is still two bits on barley seed corn that's been waiting for rain since the end of march
  6. That demonstrator is my mate ,Combine Kenny we call him ,he often spends a good 6 months or more travelling around the world driving combines , sometimes on demo or just genially driving them for farmers .He used to farm right next door to me back in the 80/90s .He is Goodies demo driver .
  7. Thanks John ,its slowly getting better problem is I am slowly getting older
  8. Thanks Robbo , I did tell him about 5 weeks ago that I would not be able to help at this show ,I no his uncle cant help being ill at the last moment and not being able to help but its good to know that' he is missing me as he must be getting good trade .
  9. Found out the hard way if you play with a Beaver to long you get hurt ,spent 5hrs up Ipswich hospital last Thursday , Do to my PMR condition it has caused it to attack my right wrist (I am right-handed ) pain was unbearable at times ,fingers ,hand ,wrist was very swollen and had to keep arm pointing upwards as it throbbed like hell if hanging downwards , after a few hrs and a double dose of steroids + double dose of tramadol painkillers it began to ease .Second photo was taken yesterday its still a bit swollen and painful if I try to use it ,wrist is stuck to the left ,hopefully it will come back straight , not allowed to drive on the road at moment
  10. As it was still dry on Friday I got my mate in to drill my field with winter wheat with his weaving tine drill
  11. We have had a dry week for a change so I got out and pigtailed a field that we should have drilled last year
  12. I spent most of Saturday concreting the base I posted on here a few days ago ,and then dug out a path-way and base for boiler to sit on , forgot to take pictures as was busy trying to get done before it got dark , will get them when I go back to cement path
  13. After a few issues getting parts for my mates 574 we have got engine rebuilt and bolted back on to front axle ,hopefully if we can make time this week we will refit new clutch and get the two half's back together
  14. To collect the rain water off the roof ?
  15. I have been over Mr Goodwins most of today as I have dug out a base for a oil tank to sit on ,I put up the shuttering lined the bottom with some old bricks and blinded it all together with some infill ready for concreting at my first opportunity, it was hard work to start with but ok when I got on the vibrater ah I mean whacker-plate
  16. Got asked if I could weld these round bars together to make a open heavy duty fire grate
  17. I will make a space somewhere I have 3 other Zwolle models on top of one of the wall cabinets
  18. This spreader might be full of Political Promises , but I don't think the little McCormick will be spreading them
  19. Doors on and some of the models dusted down and in place ,and my Zwolle models lined up along the top , and new bit of worktop in place.
  20. Anyway after painting the walls I said I did not think painting the cabinets was the best idea. Now we had Mr Goodwin (goodie) and his lovely wife Sue around for a meal on the Monday night before Christmas eve and I said I might by some Billys , Goodie was aware of what I meant but the wife thought I was taking the micky ,she then said what are Billys then and I said Bookcases ,she said what the hell do you want bookcases for as you cant read anyway after explaining a plan was made to go down to IKEA the following sunday for a day out/look around at the Billys ,I ended up buying 5 of them for one wall and the wife painted to off my wall-mounted cabinets to match the walls ,but left the other 2 pine ones
  21. Another job we started over Christmas was my model room ,the wife said she needed to paint the walls and she said I had to move all my cabinets that was on the floor away from the walls so she could paint them she also told me to empty all the models out and dust them and she would paint the cabinets as well as they was all ones I had picked up here and there and they was all different shades and would look better all the same colour and I had to replace my little work bench as well ,I did agree with her but was not looking forward to all that dusting
  22. one of the old liners , the pistons and block. We was not able to order parts till the company was back at work on the 6th January, so it is having a complete set of new liners ,new big end shells and new pistons ,we have all the parts now and have refitted the crank with the new shells and pushed in the new liners ,but we have had to send the pistons of to a engineering company as the little end bearings after being pushed into place need reaming out by about half a mm to take the gugion pin
  23. I should have posted this last year ,as myself and a mate stripped this 574 down over the Christmas break ,it belongs to another mate of mine . the rear crank seal has been leaking onto the clutch so it needs that fixing and a new clutch , there was also water getting into the engine oil ,we was not sure if it was though the head gasket or a liner gone . After getting head off gasket looked ok so dropped the sump and dropped out the pistons and pulled out the liners ,one of them had the tell-tale signs of metal-worm ,so a little job has turned into a big job
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