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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Wow £7000 ,air ambulance will be pleased with that ,well done to everyone that took part
  2. Hi Dusty Dan ,here is are Christmas thingy , Merry Christmas to you and your family ,Smithy
  3. Looks like you had a great time on the road run Paul , there was a Christmas themed run around here last sunday but I missed it as was out on other things
  4. Forgot to say got a nice Christmas card of G&M while up at there open weekend
  5. I took a call of a very good mate of mine on Friday saying he was going up near Cambridge on sunday to pick a collection of brochure's that he had bought and would I like to ride up with him and also call in on G & M Farm Models as they was having one of there open weekends ,so that is what we have done . A big thank you to Graham, Michelle, and Layla for making us endless cups of tea/coffee and hot sausage rolls ,roast potatoes and a selection of biscuits and not forgetting the chocolate sweets
  6. At least my field of oil seed rape looks ok at moment ,but still a long way to go in this winter keeping the pigeons off and hope the dreaded flea beetle has not got inside the stems ,wont now till April 2020
  7. I took these photos on Thursday they are my wet fields of barley on some of the lighter land we have ,not been back since as they had another 30mm dumped on then Thursday night and all day Friday .
  8. Because of the wet weather I have found it difficult to drill my last field as coulters on drill just dragged the soil into heaps ,so I lifted coulters up and took all the feed pipes of and tie-wrapped then to front of power-harrow ,as I planed to spread seed on top and power-harrow it in ,it would have worked but as field is on a slope it was a job to get grip to get back up so I gave up , I have since ploughed (badly )part of the field ,this was last week we have had 20mm more rain since then and more on the cards for later on today .
  9. Jasmine loves driving the tractors , so I gave her a quick lesson on the gears and how to stop it ,and not to put her thumbs inside the steering wheel as she took the Major for a spin around my muddie ,waterlogged farm yard , made her day and mine
  10. We had my 2 oldest granddaughters around over weekend ,Jasmine and her sister Grace ,they built my Lego for me they like things like that they just said go to sleep granddad we will build it haha
  11. Yes so did I ,was a good program only thing is most of the public out there will think they all go that speed though there village Bl#### farmers
  12. Its got a front door with letterbox so must be a bungalow ,or is that when the wife locks you in there she can pass bread and cheese though the letter box
  13. well spotted Sean , he don't now it is there at the moment as he has been away , the workshop manager had a smile on his face as I pulled in the yard ,I was hoping he did not say its the wrong colour you cant leave that here just the opposite he was looking around it a good 10 minutes ,I now he is into steam stuff so may plan worked out ok this morning
  14. I moved the tractor I recently bought from its previous home to my best mates yard this morning as it was not many miles to travel , it would take me about 1-5hrs to drive it home ,I can get a lowloader doing the week and pick it up , I would drive it all the way but had to be elsewhere today so not enough time ,and it was cold
  15. One or two suspects I recognise on photos ,haha , have a good show thanks for showing
  16. After more rain Tuesday night and more forecast over next few days I took the opportunity to drill another wet field on what was a dry day yesterday , managed to keep going till nearly 10pm yesterday with the combi-drill got another 20 acres in .
  17. Managed to get bit more ploughing done after yet more rain ,this field is for sugar beet 2020 ,about half hour before I took this picture it was so misty you could not see from one end of the field to the other
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