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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Is it just my computer , I click on the topic ARE PICKS at the top of the home page and computer just freeze up ,happened at least twice now don't matter how long I leave it but cant do anything so turn plug of at the wall leave it a little while and it come back on and I am able to delete the topic in my tabs at bottom of screen and then get back on
  2. Can only pick it up over a weekend as chap I bought it of not around on week days , I was hoping to get my drilling out of the way as if I arrange to pick it up say next Saturday sods law it will be the only dry day for me to get some wheat in ,because of the constant rain since I last spoke to you ,no wheat at all drilled as yet managed to maul a bit of barley in over last couple of days out of desperation got 14 acre of barley still to go but had to leave of last night about 7pm as heavy rain set in and at 13-40 today it is still raining
  3. Thanks John , plan on getting it home in next couple of weeks if I can get my drilling finished ,rain is annoying me know .
  4. I posted this picture last week of a tractor I had just bought ,I have shown the pictures to a few people and two of them said its got the wrong colure front grills ? they said they should be blue or silver ,what's your thoughts on this , the first photo is my tractor 2nd one was up at cheffins but got headlights in grill ,3rd photo I found in a book ,4th photo was also up at cheffins
  5. Thanks Paul ,we will put a set of rear tires on it before the road run , once this rain stops and hopefully I can get my drilling done I will have time to pick her up ,road run is next June so plenty of time
  6. On Saturday morning before getting ready to travel down to toytrak I went and bought myself and the wife a little present , we have a road run planed for next year with it just need to get a trailer/ beaters wagon with seats in it know so all 9 grandchildren can have a ride out
  7. I have been running a 20 meter Gem sprayer for a few years now but replaced it with a 24 meter Knights the other week
  8. Hi Brian ,I was going to come and see you layout down at toytrak on sunday and say hello but I got busy helping Mr Reeve on his stand and the day just whizzed by ,anyway I was feeling like you say well over a year ago and drs just said you working to hard ,not drinking enough water etc ,cramps and tiredness got worse also had the numbness in arms and legs at times anyway about a week after I finished combining in August 2018 I went to get out of bed and I could not move my muscles was trembling and locking out like a cramp feeling it was agony could not see a Dr straight away as you have to make a appointment 2 weeks in advance(stupid system ) anyway I did see someone later that day my own dr was on leave so see a stand in one just said it would go away after a week but he is some steroids take 13mg a day with food and you will be ok after about 2hrs of taking first lot I was up and about with nothing wrong ,took tablets for the week and stopped a few days later it come back worse then before I was in my JCB loadall at the time and could not move to get out of it anyway the wife came up farm and found me helped me get out and straight down Drs ,my own Dr was back and see me straight away and said she thought I had P.M.R. which is POLYMYALGLA RHEAMATICE and the steroids was the correct treatment but was not supposed to just stop taking them like I had been told so she put me straight back on them for the next 6 weeks I was struggling to work my mate that had helped me on odd days before was up farm everyday doing my work as I was buggered anyway I slowly felt better and over the next few months I was up hospital at least twice a month for tests ,nothing else was showing up so they presumed it was PMR so carried on with steroids but slowly reducing the dose rate I have had other tests done since as the steroids have a few nasty side effects ,only on 5mg now and I now it is still there as arms ache at times and I feel rough some days ,MS was mentioned to me at the start but they are certain it is PMR with me had another test only on wedesday of this week and got another coming up in next couple of weeks as they do wont to get me off the steroids completely and on to something else I don't know what but probably be on something for the rest of my time ,anyway keep your head up they have all sorts of treatment these days and now they are listening to you I am sure they will sort you out , I am ok on my muscles at moment but don't have the strength like I used to and I do get tired ,but I am ok and I am sure you will be as well ,Smithy
  9. Yes Paul been busier than the farm cat as you like to say allow the wet weather is holding me up at the moment with all the other things I have going on I have been chasing my tail most days
  10. had the beet harvester turn up about 5pm on Tuesday ,and by about 9-30 pm they had just finished
  11. Having a look at one of my grandsons farm yard ,underneath his brothers racing cars
  12. I needed to pull a set of rolls behind the pigtails , I could have just wrapped a chain around the frame but it would take all the paint off so I made a bracket
  13. while waiting for lorries to turn up to collect wheat I knocked together a hose-pipe holder ,the back green bit is aluminium ,the black centre bit is a plastic bit of pipe which is held in place by the 4 bolts that I bent ,bolts might be to long but at least the hose cant fall off
  14. I had one of the press rings snap away from the hub only way to weld it properly was to remove it ,the two nuts that hold it on was so tight we could not move them even with a bit of heat on them so ended up cutting them of and buying new nuts ,I did not have a proper spanner to fit them so had a local company make me one so I could do the new ones up tight
  15. A few more showing the dust that was coming of the soil while pressing or power harrowing a couple of weeks back
  16. We have had about the same as you , we had 33mm on sunday but a mate that lives up the A140 had 76mm on sunday
  17. After moving the dirt that come out of the ditches that we cleaned out I needed to mark out the 6meter grass buffer strips we should have next to water courses ,so my rolls are 6,2 meters so I then bolted a pigtail tine on the edge and drove along with the other end close to ditch while tine scratched a mark
  18. Really like the Ransomes trailer ,the Ransomes factory was not far away from where I live , there was one of them trailers in a recent model auction near me .
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