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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Your are ahead of me now Martin I still have my bailing to do , are headland are a little bit rough where combine has been turning but drying up every day down here
  2. I sold most of my old Grimme potato harvester last year for spares but I kept this frame which was the canopy over the top of the workers on the picking of table as I thought its a good start to making a shed ,any way my mate see it up mine last week and asked if he could buy it as it was just about right to put his topping mower in and the hayturner I had previously given him 4wooden post in the ground clamp this to them cover in tin that he has got instant shed I delivered it for him a couple of days ago
  3. Loaded this up of about 10 ton of rape on Saturday and set of about 7-30 this morning to take it into my grain merchants store up at Wymondham in Norfolk its about a 2hr trip each way from mine ,would have been a nuisance getting a lorry in for a small amount ,I set of early so I could slip over the border before most of them was awake
  4. Had a bit of company today ,I suppose they were better of with me other wise they would have been down the coast terrorising some one trying to nick there chips
  5. Really good pictures there Martin and nice model the railway sleepers look spot on ,only thing is it looks a good day up there I thought you was getting rain every day
  6. Well done Paul ,like the rest have said all 3 parked side by side makes a good picture . You have certainly been busy in your workshop but its good to get the jobs ticked off then you can get back in your other workshop and don't forget to take the Cake
  7. The original legs on are pluton are a one piece item ,foot is welded to leg so once foot is worn you have to replace the hole lot or cut it of and weld on new foot ,not a problem but takes time ,so we got a company to make up the leg bit which is also a bit thicker steel but at the bottom it is made to take a Sumo point which is held on with one bolt ,don't know how long the point will last before it needs changing but we are hoping the legs will last a lot longer
  8. Spent the 3rd day driving my mates combine ,I have finished his winter barley tonight and got combine back to his yard he is pleased that it is done and he is feeling a lot better in himself as the bug/virus that he is suffering with is slowly going ,hopefully he will be able to cut his own wheat
  9. Probably a so call catch crop , cant remember all the sorts but it soaks up the nitrogen in the soil so it don't get leached out then with the right drill you drill wheat/barley straight into it or you run a set of discs though and drill as cover crop breaks down it releases the nitrogen back to the main crop , so we are told makes a bit more work and burns a bit more diesel
  10. The m/f has more space in the cab and the view from cab looking at cutter-bar is lot better than my TX , the sieves on the mf are harder to get to than the TX .I am used to 3 levers in my right hand to control the TX so found the joystick on the mf a bit awkward to start with but after driving it again today my thumb has got the hang of pushing the buttons at the same time as the hand pushing /pulling the joystick . I travel at a faster speed with my TX with a 17 feet table but its 20feet on the mf so its properly the same in the end . The M/F is nice to drive but I would go for a N/H myself .
  11. yes in the end I did ,found out the top red one stops the alarms as well as putting up the menu ,been on it again today started at about 3ish due to showers this morning but evening was sunny so kept cutting till 11pm
  12. A very good mate of mine farms nearly next door to me and he has got behind with cutting his own winter barley as he has been feeling unwell and trying to get his hay finished so I have been driving his combine , did not have a clue on what did what in the cab but after 10 minutes of pushing buttons I got it going , still not sure if I have pushed the right buttons but it was producing a nice sample in the tank so I just kept going
  13. no pictures of what was left of my rape crop ,we ripped most of it up in the spring and redrilled with spring barley . The little black dots on side of combine are the dreaded Flee Beetle that devastate the crop , while cutting the rape combine looked like a yellow ladybird
  14. This was last week cutting my own Orwell Winter Barley , which has yielded ok
  15. I have asked a couple of mates that do a few round bales and they said they are about £30 to £35
  16. I asked Goodie about the pumas and he said he had not heard anything , normally the dealers are the last ones to be told so they keep selling the old stock ones
  17. I sometimes have exactly the same bags, but mine don't come from Italy
  18. Well done , looks like you have some good machinery for the job looks nice hay as well
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