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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Sorry only now catching up on here ,not heard him say anything about them I am seeing him bit later on tonight and I will ask him
  2. excellent models together with professional photos well done Martin
  3. sorry for late reply Sean not had time to get on here last few days . yes we sell most of it to horsey types mainly from October to march , the wife use a few for here own horse and she has a friend that keeps one on are farm so the two eat a bit , we also put some of the finer hay in bags as we have a few customers with rabbits and other small pets .I only do the one cut each year as we are then busy with combining then getting land ready for next crop if grass grows and looks untidy I top them as it is just the one operation and done ,
  4. sorry for late reply only now reading messages . I am not sure what a round bale is fetching as I only do small ones which are between £3 to £4 a bale if they pick it up themselves straight of the field £3 if coming out of my shed its £4 and they have to come to me I don't deliver as they want you to stack it in awkward places and say oh I did not realise you was bringing it today I don't have the money on me can I pay you later yea normally 8 weeks later so I say you come and get it and bring the £££ I will ask my mate in next few days about round ones as he have a few done and let you now .
  5. bailing hay again today after about 2mm of rain on Saturday ,we have finished now unless someone else asks us to do a bit more ,backed the last 3 trailer loads under cover tonight at 11-30pm been a long day as started at 7-30 am
  6. Yes Paul it is nice hay it had nice weather on it . I think he has spent the last couple of year rebuilding the landy
  7. The same mate use his landy and trailer to help me get bales home there was227 bales on his field
  8. My mate turning his own field with the hay turner I had given to me ,which I have given to him ,I cut the field and I bale it and have the hay
  9. That's still nice and green with all this dry weather it should be a good crop
  10. Also baled 290 for myself this evening , Granddaughter took these pictures of me loading them
  11. I was turning some hay at 7-30am Saturday morning as needed to get it done so I could start to bale another bit ,started to bale about 10-30ish and by about 1-30 we had finished this bit 618 bales in total
  12. Been cutting more grass today hopefully we get the sun over weekend to make hay
  13. There was bacon rolls from 9am till 11am then at 11-30am till 2pm there was a hog roast with all sorts of salads and potatoes etc then from 2pm there was CAKE and more CAKE and as much tea, all sorts of coffee and soft drinks as you wanted
  14. I remember you saying about it back in January sorry to hear that its not got any better
  15. Yes Mr Goodwin you have got the answer correct with the Samson spreader ,as Delilah gave Samson a hair cut and he lost all his strength apparently
  16. Good to meet up with you and your other salesmen , Sponge was ok with me but I only had a small slice compared to the chunk that you had
  17. Picked these 3 up today . To win absolutely nothing do any members on here now why the manure spreaders are called DELILAH? . will post the answer bit later on
  18. Because we had 13mm of rain overnight to stop me turning hay ,I went to the Fram-Farmers/Walnes Seeds invitation only open day , after walking all the trial plots of wheat there was a good selection of machines to look at back in the farm yard and as much food and drink as you could eat
  19. You are probably right on the wheels ,I bought it ready built so yes It looks like it has had a wheel change
  20. Sunday night I took a old new Holland turner that I had been given way back at the start of this year down to my mates as he is going to use it as and when I cut his field , the little IH is half mine , my mate keeps it down his as a workhorse keeping his place tidy
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