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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Saturday and Sunday I was out with the hay-bob turning the hay ,I also cut another field Sunday morning
  2. Finished cutting the grass by 6-30pm so jumped straight on the sprayer to finish of the last of the T3 fungicide spray on some wheat's ,finally finishing about 10-30pm
  3. Before I cut the grass I had to fit the new seat in the tractor which had turned up that morning ,old seat had done 8500hours and was showing its age
  4. I had also taken a call of my neighbour asking if I could go and cut there grass that afternoon
  5. I left Does to drive back home but on the way I called in on a hydraulic company to get a new spring for the spool-block on my mates log -splitter .
  6. When left Woodbridge the Blue side of Does is only a few miles down the road (we call it the dark side )and a mate had asked me if I could pick up some parts for him which I did , while I was there I treated myself to a new baler
  7. I had a early start on Friday which turned out to be a very busy day and evening , first job was to drive to Woodbridge and help my mate from the forge install these two gates ,small one was ok but the big one was a job had 6 of us on it and still struggled to lift it on to its runners ,its a sliding electric operating gate but we got there in the end
  8. Sorry to but in but this is my one I bought a few years back ready built I do have the other decals for front and back but just not put them on
  9. As I thought the roads would not be to busy on sunday I spent the day doing the verges . Funny thing is doing the week on local radio station people ring in and complain about the long grass blocking out sighs and cant see at junctions and sharp corners ,they all say farmers should be out there cutting them ,and when we do they blow there horns and make hand sighs to us as we are in there way cant win
  10. Not been able to get on here last few days ,just was saying sorry there is a problem something went wrong please try again , but tonight its ok on laptop but still cant sigh in on phone
  11. Cant push the like button for this one as its not nice to see the dead deer , we see several around here on side of the road dead I have found two in the past dead in my fields I expect they got hit and run of injured
  12. There was some tractors I would like to have but not really got the room to store them at the moment , I don't now what the tractors made as I had to leave the sale at 3pm as I had to be elsewhere
  13. Yes its on I-bidder.com , Clarke & Simpson collective sale of tractors, plant, vehicles, machinery and spares
  14. Over the last year myself and a very good mate have been going around looking for a set of rowcrop wheels without much luck ,if the centre's was right the tires or rims was wrong size and if we found right size tires/rims the centres would have to be changed and with the tires quite often 3 would be ok but 4th one would have a big slit in side wall so I would have to spend out on something that I just bought , so in the end I bought a brand new set which was delivered yesterday and I fitted them today
  15. I went to the viewing of Clarke & Simpson collective sale this afternoon ,sale is tomorrow 25th may .I took these photos as I thought I would score a few brownie points of Robbo and Valley Axe Man
  16. Make sure you roll it down as all this dry weather we are getting you will soon loose all the moisture great pictures
  17. Nice blue tractor and nice blue sky ,looks like its ideal conditions for all your young stock
  18. I took a phone call about 7pm on Monday night from a good mate of mine from the forge ,he had picked up a half ton bag of sand and some stone in it from his house with his forklift ,he got a fare way down the road before he noticed that they was a small hole in bottom of the bag so I went out with my jcb and bucket and helped clean up
  19. We normally only tidy up when its getting close to November , National tidy your farm day November the 5th
  20. Yes that very good news Sean ,like Robbo say go and have a tipple or two
  21. On Monday they still had not got any sent though to them , I may see the top man tomorrow and ask where have they got too again
  22. Like the others have said Paul, your tractor really looks good out in the sunshine ,yes if only you could have loaded up that trailer with bales and gone for a spin around the roads it would have done you and the tractor a power of good maybe next time its out you can hook something on the back and go for a spin
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