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Everything posted by smithy

  1. I posted pictures of this before when I was putting topsoil over it to get out the bigger stones , anyway over the weekend while getting the dust and little bits out of 50 ton of crushed concrete the bottom legs cave way so I had to weld some other bits around the bottom to strengthen it up in the last picture I have a bit of fencing laid on it as it only let the dust and very small bits though
  2. Several years ago now I had I hand in making are village sigh in my barn , the expert that did most of it is sadly no longer with us but the parish council decided it needs repainting so it was taken down and dumped in my yard over the weekend with the words of as you built it can you repaint it , so on bank holiday Monday myself and the wife and one other helper set about rubbing down the main post and cleaning up the sigh , the wife and the other helper then got a coat of brown on all the brown bits so it only leaves putting the detail back on the rest , the red tractors are supposed to be me/mine as all my neighbours have green ones and we cant have green tractors on my sigh
  3. While at my mates spreading fertilizer on his grassland he had got two of his landrovers out for a wash and a dry off in the sun
  4. Had a very busy weekend with a bit of spraying early mornings and in the evening when it was not as hot but doing the day I was spreading fertilizer on the cereal crops as we are expecting some much needed rain to wash it in . I also used about 10 ton of grassland fertilizer on the hay meadows and horsey peoples paddocks
  5. We used to put the magneto in the oven on very low heat for a few hrs to get the damp out , with the wife's permission of cause
  6. Been spreading fertilizer most of the day but I took a call of a mate saying could I do a bit of welding ,he had just picked this patio heater up and he needed some small brackets welding on to hold the round grill base to turn it into a BBQ so I stopped for a hr and got it done
  7. Been digging a small footing at my sons home he is building up a small patio area so he can use the big set of doors from his lounge
  8. Lovely tractor John , and I am sure Matt loves driving it but please don't convert him away from McCormick as I will be the only McCormick fan left on here
  9. I then had at scanned and reproduced in plastic and sold a couple to a mate of mine and he took them up to Spalding on Sunday and sold them on again .The ones that was sold at spalding was done to a high standard in aluminium. There is one left to sell if anyone interested
  10. I finished the tall fence the other day and made a start on the short section of the low fence
  11. started putting it up today , got one more big panel to go on this bit properly would have finished but had constant drizzle most of the day so it slowed me up as glasses was always wet and had to keep wiping them
  12. I went to 3 local builders merchants and asked about panels and posts and price they was all about the same I then went to another well now supplier based at Walsham-le-Willows and there panels was stronger then other ones and £7 a panel cheaper which included VAT other places was + VAT concrete posts was £3 cheaper than other places ,and because I am a member of a buying group that this company deals with I got another 15% discount, so the money I saved on the big panels and posts bought 2 small panels 1 gate and hinges and 5 wooden posts 5foot long , happy days
  13. I spent a day over Mr Goodwin's clearing the site and then putting up his new shed , now goody likes to wind you up and take the micky out of you I told him I would get my own back
  14. I cant click the like for above post it keeps coming up sorry there is a problem
  15. Probably not the end of yellow fields , but there wont be as many as in the past it will only be planted on the better fields at the right time , I now mine was later than planed going in as the baler boys was late getting here to clear up , if only mine had had a drop of rain at the time I am sure it would have got going and then it only leaves the battle with the Flea beetle
  16. Yes I did have a word with the maize boys and they would have done it but I am not that close to a plant and because it was just one field it would be left to last to harvest I would then have a lot of mud on road and field messed up so planted barley instead
  17. Excellent pictures looks like Lambing live on TV
  18. This is my poor crop of rape , it was a lot better at Christmas time but has slowly gone and a lot of stunted plants if I had not sprayed the good bits in December with Kerb chemical I would probably rip the lot up
  19. You beat me to it Chris I was going to post up the facts of why rape crops slowly disappear thanks
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