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Everything posted by smithy

  1. This is were my rape should be ,I started to re-drill it this afternoon the front cultivator is having to work in this field as it is stiff and wet , no frost-moulds like other field having to go a gear slower as well ,should finish it tomorrow as I stopped at 6pm to go and roll the one I drilled yesterday . I will get a picture of what rape is growing for you tomorrow Bluegreen
  2. I drilled 25 acres (10 hectares ) yesterday into ploughed ground after sugar beet front cultivator went well
  3. Not very good ,out of the 30 acre field there is about 10 acres that has a poor plant the rest there is nothing I did spray were there was nothing the other week to kill off the grass-weeds ,I have been re-drilling that bit today with Planet Spring Barley I have a picture of me drilling it today if I can upload it .
  4. I wanted a Oak but my supplier had run out ,he could have got one from Holland but it was £100 for a import/quarantine licence so I had the Red Oak instead .
  5. The trees are Hornbeam , Wild Cherry , Red Oak , Silver Birch , Mountain Ash , Maple , Walnut . I did wont a few more but I left it late to order them and the supplier I used had run out of the other ones I would have liked . I will get them for next winter
  6. I had this carier drill in shed not used it for over 15 years now the rubber seed pipes had perished and the plastic seed rollers had all gone brittle so would cost a lot to put right if parts was still available and a few hrs work ,so as it fitted on front linkage ok I cut of the top part ,moved it into workshop and welded on a couple of support bars ,turned all the tines around so I can now push it on the front , so that it can just tickle the top ready for the power-harrow on the back . Only done a small area so far but it is working allow to improve it ,it needs a little crumblier roller on the back of it to help maintain the depth as I am having to just carry it on front linkage so it don't dig in to deep , if I don't bend it in the meantime I will look out around the farm sales for a 4 meter one , I do have a 3 meter one laying on my salvage heap that I could put in the middle and not worry about ends but that will be next winters project
  7. Where I cleaned out the water course and cut out some falling down trees the other month I have replanted on the top bank 5 trees all different species and each one is for the 5 grandchildren that we have they did come down and help plant them the other weekend and they are planted in the order of there age so oldest one is the first tree and so on , I also planted 2 more trees on the bank of the field next door to them ,so 7 trees in total
  8. Nice models Martin , I bid on a pettit trailer a few months ago but did not get it , I left a commission bid and it went for £5 more than I had left on it , if I had been in the room I might have had another bid
  9. Thanks for showing photos, there used to be a American farming program come on Sky Television over here a few years back cant remember what is was called and where it was in the US but it was interesting watching ,it was mainly corn growing but a bit of grass too
  10. Been a wet and windy weekend here in my bit of Suffolk so moved sawbench and splitter into a open front shed and cut up the trailer load of firewood under cover from the weather and put it all in big bags filled 15 of them , 4 of them I took straight out to a couple of friends that have helped me on the farm this last season
  11. Spent a few hours helping a fellow farmer and good mate of mine clean up some spring barley last Wednesday ready for drilling as soon as weather improves
  12. Back in about 1983/84 I farmed with a ford 7700 two wheel drive ,lovely tractor to drive and like you say you sit that bit higher than normal and no gear levers to bang you knees on .
  13. I am also looking forward to those photos Dan , not sure what tv channel it is but I often watch a program about the Amish
  14. Had one of my neighbours spray a field for me today to take out any blackgrass before I drill the spring barley next week if the weather stays good
  15. My team on Wednesday clearing up a tree that fell down this time last year , we filled the trailer 3 times
  16. Haha I really thought you meant your workmate , clad it was not , you say bar got hot you need to take chain of and with a flat file run over it level as a slight bit of heat will have put a bur on the edges and it will slowly get worse even with the oiler working
  17. Sorry to hear about your workmate ,how is he . Just shows how dangerous felling trees can be . On your chainsaw problem if it was new on Monday it should not be worn out already , have you hit some dirt with chain as that will blunt it very quickly , if when sharpening it if one side is sharper than other side it will wander of also keep the chain tensioned tightly on the bar ,is the oiler system for bar working properly as if not bar gets hot and ware very quickly and not cut straight ,you can dress bar back level with a flat file sometimes but if gone to far It is a new bar needed
  18. A lot of hard work goes into cutting down and clearing up trees , I have done a few so far this year and not much fun when you are wet though , are you taking the hole lot down if so I think you are going to need a bigger wheelbarrow
  19. at 5.30pm this evening there was 28 guest just sighed on
  20. Its now 12-45am this Monday morning I am only member on here but there is 29 guests ,10 of them been on couple of minuets ,other 19 just sighed in all at once seems a bit strange to me , but what do I now I have a job to steer this machine at times , as from midnight tonight if I push the Back button instead of going to previous page it comes up Whoops they is a problem
  21. I have restacked a lot of my wood away from new fence just in case it falls don't wont to damage it
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