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Everything posted by smithy

  1. You now what they say , IF IT HAS T##S OR WHEELS IT WILL GIVE YOU TROUBLE
  2. Money well spent Paul , you could have wasted it on wine,women and song At the end of the day there yours bought and payed for happy days
  3. Christmas come early for you Martin lovely models . I had a brief driving experience with a moffett for a neighbour many years ago he was ill and asked if I could unload a lorry for him it was a cold wet morning and he had forgot to tell me to sweep the water of the roof before moving it as it would come in thought a hole and go straight down your back ,sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it
  4. I love the picture ,but tractor not big enough for that trailer in wet sloppy conditions that's probably why there is a chain hanging on the front ready to give a tug
  5. Lovely pictures could be mistaken for real , what model/no is the forage harvester is it one of BOR
  6. Wow they look fantastic and with the view behind them they look real
  7. There used to be one at the LCN Zwolle show that was a m/f cab with m/f models in it cant remember the persons name but I think I put a picture up on here a few years back
  8. well done yes it looks like the next bit up to mine ,I guess Paul is keep the top two BITS for himself suppose it will give him something to chew on haha
  9. Well you are half right , but things keep cropping up can you do this can you just do that time just go by at moment
  10. Well done Paul and I will wish you a happy birthday again on here allow I now it was last week , I expect yourself and mb86 have been eating the top half
  11. Thanks for information paul I did not now about the over heating issues it is all original tin work eric has had the tractor for years now he used to get his own wood out of the woods with it in his younger/healthier days he buys the wood in now as he is approaching 76 years young and since he had a stroke a few years back he is not the man he used to be but cutting up wood keeps him going . Am I right that if the steering wheel is white tractor was made in one factory (Scotland ) and black steering wheels was another factory building the same tractor
  12. This lorry belongs to some fair ground people the trailer contains dodgem car ride it got stuck on the grass at the rear of it they come in my yard to see if I would go and give it a pull with my tractor which I did and it come out ok
  13. Unloaded this today it belongs to my mate Eric it spends its time outside in his woodyard on a log splitter , the water pump has gone on it and I am going to fit it a new one ,he has two of these 4/65 the other one has a bar rear axle
  14. Eating Cake , not any old cake but a special piece sent down to me by the Valley Axe Man Paul the cake was made by his Mum , so I am no longer a cake virgin after eating this piece of delicious cake it means I am now a fully affiliated member of the cake club , the piece I had was the bottom part of the legs cant show you the rest of the cake because Robbo will put me on the naughty step again Thanks Paul
  15. On Friday I got a call from my brother to help him lay some big concrete beams in the bottom of a ditch to hold back the clay that he needs to put in to reinstate the bank
  16. I received this fordson major instruction book on Friday ,posted down to me from the Valley Axe Man its in mint condition Thank you Paul
  17. Yes Sally is a wonderful woman I bought 5 lots will post up pictures bit later on as they are still in back of my van
  18. Not today but on Thursday I was at the M&M Auction and what a marathon auction it was Andy started of at 10-30 am and with just a couple of small breaks doing the day he sold the last lot well past 9pm , well done Andy ,and Steve and not forgetting Sally the mince pies was a nice treat thanks
  19. Very nice Paul , really nice addictions to your collection . I have a picture of a 4/65 to put up on here bit later on its not in as good condition as yours I have to put a waterpump on it for my mate Eric
  20. HaHa yes we all now what bears do behind trees ,and I checked before walking in it so yes you are right no bears just pheasant and a few dear , Julies father goes up there a few times a week to feed the pheasant as the Dr has a few shoots up there . Would love the county and winch but don't think the wife will let me , well not at the moment are wood shed is full so we should be warm this winter we also get all the very small stuff of Eric from his wood yard and mix in with some of the bigger bits and sell by the small bag full at the farm gate , we will be going up again soon but don't think I will be taking on the woodland management . Julies father , Jack and his mate Ray and retired Dr Marsh are often up there we call them Foggy, Compo , and Clegg
  21. local retired Dr owns the wood not far from me , and he told us to go up and get the trees that had blown over for fire wood so I did the driving and the wife and her brother did the loading I said I must do the driving as its a skilled job getting between all the standing ones and insurance company would not believe it if we said honest mate the tree jumped out in front of me filled the trailer 3 times
  22. Wife was complaining about walking around in the mud and things so I gave her the chance to go up in this world up in the JCB so she could give the tree a hair cut
  23. Over the weekend , a very wet weekend I might add my neighbour up farm asked me to pull out his conifer trees as they had got to wide and just did not look nice so we pulled out some so he and his mate could start putting up his new fence , as well as the trees there is concrete posts with the remains of chainlink fencing on so I had to get mini-digger out to gut the bottom lumps out they did all the hard work I just did easy bits with machines ,plan on doing another 6 or 7 panel after Christmas and then the rest a few weeks after that , I will have to make sure I don't park things to close to it now
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