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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Sorry to hear that Andy , but keep you head up as NHS can do a lot of things these days
  2. yes and my shelves would be clear to put the models on good idea ,
  3. Black Friday Rubbish I went to the midlands machinery show on Wednesday and most of the spare parts companies was trying to sell me powerharrow tines , drill coulters etc order today but we will hold it till Friday so you get the 10% black Friday deals , I told them I have finished with that equipment for this year there reply was but buy them as they are 10% cheaper and come next year with price rises they will be dearer so they wont me to fill up there bank account by putting there stock on my shelf in my shed with parts I don't need for about 8 months , I don't thinks so what little £££ I have is better in my account for the next 8 months than there's . I refuse to buy anything on black Friday deals .
  4. Its not Mr Goodwin that I am thinking about , but he does come out with a lot of bull#### at times
  5. I have a mate that farts more than the average cow , will they put him down as well
  6. Two more lovely models you have there makes me feel jealous allow sitting here staring at the picture of the cake makes me more jealous
  7. Yes its ok at moment over the last week or so I have uploaded several pictures/posts ok . Thanks Smithy
  8. we would have to put him in a shopping trolley and get david to push him around , if it was a twin trolley David could put the models that he buys in it as well
  9. You certain it was a tractor and not a space ship landing with little green men inside saying Bluegreen go home (E.T GO HOME)
  10. Its often for carrots ,frost protection
  11. I thought you was up because you was smuggling all them brochures in you bought over weekend
  12. Any way Mr Goodwin what are you doing being up this early as you now we have a meeting to attend this evening ,you will be falling asleep next to Podge haha
  13. Yes I am sure its not model boxes its the rest of them brochures that I bought a few months back which she sold to someone and they never did pick them up
  14. mine is ok at moment ,I did have a problem uploading pictures the other week , will upload some more bit later on
  15. Have to keep away from the hay barn as it makes my eyes water due to hay fever ,it also makes my breathing heavy
  16. Tell us a bit more on this one Paul cant believe that sort of thing goes on
  17. The green book on MODERN TRACTORS ,turn to page 20 the j/d 4240S is the one I used to drive for my neighbour on sugar beet , the picture was taken at the Suffolk Show up at Ipswich as it had pulled the brimont trailer up there as he had made a sheet to cover it up by the tractor hydraulics it was a motor mounted on back of trailer which wound in two steel cables running down the top of the sides of the trailer which pulled the sheet back and forth . You can see one of the cables in the picture , it was at the show as it was in the inventive farmer competition cant remember if it won or came second or 3rd
  18. Two more lovely models Paul , many years ago I pulled a Moore drill behind my Ford 7600 4wd for a dairy farmer not far away from me reseeding some of his grassland I think he had borrowed the drill of somebody but his tractor would not pull it , the farmer and his dairy herd sadly went a few years back . Thanks for sharing pictures .
  19. Them old harrows would have made a mess of you tires had you driven over them , my cousin forgot he had left a set of 8 drag harrows upside down in a grass field and about a year later he went back in that same field punctured all 4 tires beyond repair and one of the harrows went around with the tire and took the mudguard of the tractor
  20. Spread some grass seed yesterday and harrowed it in then today went back and rolled it down
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