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Everything posted by smithy

  1. £37 of ebay 7inch LCD colourer monitor and 2 cameras saves a lot off back ache looking around at what ever is on the back also on the road you can see the mad ones trying to over take on the blind bends . It also works in the dark but only in black and white , screen only shows one camera at a time but just touch a button on monitor or on the remote control that came with it and it switches over to other camera so you can check on both sides got them mounted up on my rotating beacon bracket just under cab roof line so they have a bit of protection from over hanging branches but high enough for a good view . they are advertised as reversing camera and from China
  2. It is a nice/good plough on one bit of stubble there was a mat of chopped but wet straw which would have blocked my plough but this one buried it no problem , the hydraulic vari width was handy as I the first field I had it opened up to about 18inch furrows as it was nice land but when I moved over to the clay bit I have where my sugar beet had been I closed it up to about 30cm ,12inch as ground was rock hard but at a steady slower pace than other field it turned it over nicely. Because of the point to point clearance being more than my dowdeswell it is about 3foot longer which at the start took a bit of getting used to on turning on headland did a bit of hedgcutting a couple of times , I have been looking for a good second hand plough for a couple of years but all the ones I saw had welding done here and there , paint work rough and rusty and looking along the points some did not line up so they had been traded in for a reason , will I buy this one , well on its performance of what I have done yes I would not sure of the price on it as have not asked as yet because I just said I would like to have a go with it on my land and Kongskilde said we will bring it out which was good of them I do hope to have a fresh plough for next season and I have a couple of dealer shows to attend over winter months so will be looking at other makes but at the moment this one is high up on the list , might have to take Mr Goodwin out for a curry one night and try to get some discount out of him
  3. I had the plough opened up to about 18inch furrows and was pulling it in 2nd gear 3rd power shuttle at 6.9km/h at just over 2100 rpm
  4. Here is two pictures that I could not upload last week of the plough I had on demo
  5. I stayed down at Wincanton on sunday night after going to a excellent Toytrac show , and on Monday morning I took a call saying this will be delivered in about 1hrs time well it takes about 3.5hrs on a good trip so I had to let the driver now where teleporter was so he could unload it . It is a Kongskilde HRWS 4/5 furrow vary width plough , I have been lent it on demo from a very good friend.
  6. Lifted them on Monday loaded them on Tuesday , yes the crop master is a little gem
  7. I wont now till next Wednesday when I get the sugar content results back from the factory and the dirt content which they knock of the total tonnage and pay on clean beet tonnage at 16% sugar content , so if mine are say 17% sugar content I get paid 1% more than the standard price , let you now next week
  8. Loaded about 700 tonne over a six hour spell had 9 lorries making the round trip to factory , they had load 200 tonne a couple of mile away from mine before moving on to my heap .
  9. Had my neighbour in on Monday to lift my sugar beet ,tipped them all on side of field next to the B1078 road to be loaded with a Mause as we only needed one trailer in the field I went for a ride around on my David Brown.
  10. We used to have a Arga that burnt wood , about a ton a month in the winter , sometimes we had to open windows as it got to hot in the rooms but it did cook thing nicely especially Sunday lunch and cakes
  11. there has been some 2nd cuts around my bit of Suffolk the last week as mowers, balers, wrappers keep going past the fields I been working on . It would have been a waste of good grass if you had not cut it
  12. are you thinking about little blue pills again the ones that the DR prescribes
  13. Don't think it is going to reach us down here in sunny Suffolk ,just the wind
  14. Thanks John , yes weather not so good on that day it was light rain for most of the day it got to 7pm and rain was still coming down so I went home , last time you was there it was sunshine 7-15pm and we rushed to the pub for some grub haha . Been a long six weeks but I suppose as we keep busy on other things time just goes bye . Its going into wheat again ,was going to be Leeds but as its not really done to good this year we have swopped it for a different variety but at this moment I cant remember its name (must be my age) will look at paper work up farm tomorrow and let you now . The name of the winter wheat is GRAVITY
  15. Was ploughing a few days ago , JEP might recognise the field as it was the last one we combined and Mr Prescott was there with his camera .
  16. rolling the rape land the variety is CAMPUS it say on bag it weighs 21.6KG and there is 4 million seeds per bag I used 3 bags , it desperately needs a bit more rain at moment otherwise I might have to replant with something else .
  17. Had my mate on the Pluton preparing the ground ready for me on the drill planting oil seed rape
  18. Had the seed corn cleaning company around the other weekend my mate brought his around to clean as well that's his Deutz on the red trailer
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