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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Hi John ,yes we are into the wheat some of it is ok some is best not to talk about . we would not have had a lot left to cut if I could have had a long day cutting on Friday before the rains came , I was aware of a little tear in the rubber seal on the front of the grain pan directly under the drum which I think was caused by a lifter used on the barley snapping of and going into the drum where one bit ended up in stone trap found a bit stuck in the retaining curtain above straw walkers and rest must have gone out the back ,well because it was only a little tear and got other bits of seal over the top of it I ignored it to start with but on inspection Friday morning I made the decision to take of the complete front of combine and replace it , and because the part I needed was at APH Combines up at Peterborough which is about a 5hr round trip for me but I was aware of a mate that was up that way delivering other stuff so I got in touch with him and he picked up parts and brought them back to me so I was cutting again that evening till the rain stopped play not to worried by the wet as moisture was about 10% so later on this week it might be 14% so it weighs a bit more and we are still only (just) in July
  2. Yes was told this sad news last week , he would not have really know me but on two accessions when I stayed down at Wincanton on the sunday night after Toytrac myself and Martyn went to the local supermarket on the Monday morning for breakfast and bumped into Warner getting his breakfast so we shared a table . Glad that I did get to meet him but will be missed at the next Toytrac.
  3. There is still a little bit of Maris Huntsman grow for the straw as it is used for thatching , cant remember which newer wheats name but it has Huntsman as one of its parents. Back in its day a lot of it was bagged up into these sort of bags and I used to earn a bit of pocket money moving them on a sack barrow
  4. I had 20mm on Friday night/Saturday morning and a fantastic lightning show then rest of Saturday was dry ,sunday we had 4mm with sunshine then Monday thunder/lightning and 14mm of rain in morning sunshine in afternoon and at 7am this morning some more thunder lightning and rain not looked in rain gauge as yet
  5. like to see your rain dance are you like me with 2 left feet haha (no I don't come from Norfolk)
  6. Yes Paul but I have enough to do at moment so I will leave them alone , I was talking to somebody on Saturday that collects that sort of thing and he said that he had been told about them and when he rung up to ask he was told that they had already been sold to a collector he left his phone number just in case
  7. This dry weather has shown up exactly where there is a pipe running though my grass field
  8. Pictures not very good as it was well late when I loaded up this lot ,its my mates at the forge running out of space so got them on my trailers at moment hopefully next week I will have time to deliver them to the site about 6 miles away from mine then there is a second batch to pick up
  9. Mine is Siskin and as it is 20% hopefully it has not died and is still ripening as it should
  10. No not just you John I now someone else a bit like that
  11. MacDonald's coffee stirrers I normally get a hand full when in there use them to mix to 2 part clues together or to did in the grease bucket to get a small lump to poke in bolt hole keeps your fingers clean also keep my shirt clean as don't have to wipe hands down the front of it . Liking you models always like to go and watch them in action at shows
  12. Finished cutting a poor bit of rape today then tested my wheat it is 20% so maybe a week away ,one of my neighbours has done a round on one wheat field and his neighbour has done a hole field would not think he would cut it if it was not ready especially this year
  13. not sure on wheat going to test some later today /tomorrow as busy sorting out all the other little jobs around the farm , got to put my plumbers head on bit later on as must get kitchen sink fitted in my late mothers home as we need to get that bit done so floor fitter can get finished floor in as knowing my luck I would drop my monkey wrench or nock over my blowtorch
  14. Yes I have had other windows go in the past and after going over rough ground a few bits fall out from somewhere , 2 years ago I was cutting a field of grass that I had cut in the past with no problem's but the new owner had doing the winter decided to see how far he could hit his old golf balls , mower did hit several as I saw them fly past cab but one came straight though side window , I put a claim in to him as I said I was not going to claim on my insurance as it was his stupid fault he claims he did not play golf he did pay up after a couple of months . I have since refused to cut this bit of grass ,Bloody city dwellers move out into county side and mess fields up . Thanks John
  15. Yes finished winter barley which was all on the lighter land we rent at Baylham near Ipswich , it has done 3 ton to the acre as it has all been over a weighbridge now to confirm what the combine weigh meter was telling me , TX so far is going well just had a couple of bad electrical connecting's on two sensors which when sprayed with a solvent and a wire brush passed over them cured the problem
  16. This is one of the fields that we have cut today . Got one more 10 acre field of rape to cut but I think it needs a few more days to dry to get moisture down to below 9%
  17. This is some of the rape on Tuesday its ok but could have been a lot better if we had some rain in June
  18. Should have posted this up yesterday but had a 5am start loading barley 3rd load left by 2ish then straight on combine cutting rape till 10.30pm ,spoke to Mr Goodwin at about 9ish on Tuesday morning and he personally delivered new door by 11am same day now that's what I call good (or goody) service , Thanks Mr Goodwin and Ernest Does for keeping these things in stock . Must admit I not fitted it as yet as been on combine all day cutting rape plan on fitting some time in morning
  19. Yes I did ask about warranty but they said you do still have the door its not there fault its mostly all laying inside the cab instead of hanging on the outside never heard of that one women slamming doors
  20. After driving my little Jinma home the wife rung me to say I had to spend a bit more £££ as she closed the tractor door that she was driving it shattered on her , she is ok but shocked as it sounded like a gun had gone off in cab you would be surprised where she is still finding little bits of glass . MR GOODWIN NEW DOOR PLEASE
  21. They are the same model exactly the same year made and only 20 apart on the serial numbers , the one I got tonight has a lot smaller key than other one . Sean asked me what make the last one was and I said it was a Siromer but if I had said it was made by universal hobbies I would have been close , they are made by Jinma
  22. While cutting someone else's grass the other week I spotted this in one of there stables I said that funny I bought one of them a couple of weeks ago they said you don't wont to buy another one do you well tonight I went back and had a deal this one comes with a set of grass harrows , a fleming transport box and a Siromer Flail mower .
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