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Everything posted by smithy

  1. International rescue Thunder Birds are Go my mate Colin was going to pick this up today and he was only 10 minutes from his yard when his right hand rear tire on his Deutz decided to brake up so he dropped the trailer off and limped back to his yard at a very slow pace and also gave me a ring to see if I could help out to which I said yes he told me where he had left his lowloader and very brief directions on where he was going ,found lowloader no problem bit harder to find this little M/F as it was miles from no where on a little back dead-end road about 1.5hrs away from where I started from anyway got it loaded and headed back to BRAD FARM MACHINERY at Hadleigh as they was going to sort out fuel problem and a real bad water leak on this little M/F and give it a dam good service
  2. This is the heap in the barn . tried to post this last night but forum crashed on me could not get back on till today probably I overloaded the system
  3. Finished up the last bits yesterday and the Brain box (no that's not me ) in the cab was saying 114.600 tonnes which is set for 15% moisture so mine being 12% means I don't have quite that amount
  4. Winter Barley Harvest started for me on Tuesday it was coming of at 12% moisture which is a bit to low but I cant do much about that the verity is called ORWELL there was plenty of it in volume but I expect the bushel weight to be low so that means you need more to make up a tonne
  5. Yes I now exactly what you mean as I had same problem with water pump on a 895 a few years ago
  6. Wife thinks I have gone nutty as I went out and bought a snow plough last week , not told her as yet its to push grain up with
  7. Does yard at framlingham was full of tractors , some new ones waiting to be delivered at end of this month some going out on hire and one or two second hand ones for sale and one of there 3 demo combines was on standby , Mr Goodwin has been busy
  8. Whilst cutting grass last week I had something hit the fuel pipe on the bottom of the fuel tank on my case 4240 and made it leak on taking tank of I found that the round bit was basically snapped off so I took it to a company that plastic welds they said they would give it ago but it might not work and it did not work so I phoned up Ernest Doe Power at Framlingham and ordered a new tank and 24hrs later it arrived its now fitted and no leaks , case may have had other problems with these tanks as new one is made differently as fuel pipe connection is now flat on the bottom
  9. Some series earth moving equipment you have there thanks for pictures
  10. Yes when my father passed away at the age of 50 in 1980 my mother took up looking after the village as a neighbour hood watch person and built up a good relationship with the Police and other groups the hole village relied on here to look after there houses when away on holidays and take in parcels and chase the door to door sellers away haha the village all secretly put her name forward for a honour which she got and was proud off and I am now looking after it for her its worth about £65 to a collector and I have paid tax on it to the govement as it was a gift but to me its priceless. Don't now if its still on YouTube and don't now hu put it on but I think it is called nutty women from Ringshall and that's my mother Bless her we all called her PC PAM and so did all the village
  11. There was 9 apache helicopters doing the same thing the other day but I could not get a picture of that as I was to far away from them
  12. Yes we have made some nice hay are shed back home is full to which to wife is pleased about and all my horsy customer that I make hay for are happy with the quality but are all down a bit on the quantity
  13. Its not looking like rain here neither could do with a bit on sugar beet we don't take a second cut of hay as we are then busy on combining and cultivations
  14. This is the second to last bit to be baled up . Only had one come out of baler with string not tied out of 4500 and I think that was down to me but I did on this piece have stones cut the strings on 3 bales whilst in the sledge its a new bit of grass and I should have rolled it in the spring to push down the stones
  15. After a long hot 3 to 4 weeks of hay making we have finished late last night these pictures are of the 350 we have stacked in the shed at the small farm we rent out at Baylham near Ipswich
  16. Yes its more reliable than the person that sold it to me allow he is not a bad old boy we did enjoy a nice curry with him and his lovely wife on Saturday night
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