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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Have not seen them myself but combine been cutting winter barley since Tuesday this week at Darmsdon , which is right next to the land that I rent at Baylham and I have barley on that land and it possibly could be cut but tramlines are very green
  2. Tuesday afternoon the wife was rowing up and I was on baler and did two fields of are hay 591 bales in total today and most are stacked in a shed on the edge of the field so straight in with the grab no man/women handling with this lot . With mine and other peoples I have now done appox 3500 small bales and had my first broken string today and that was down to me as I stopped the baler as I had to get out off cab (health and safety ) just as it was about to tie its knots and I think as it was slowing up it was not quick enough for the knotters to knot as without me doing anything next one was fine , only turning to do on Wednesday and hopefully next bit will be ready for Thursday
  3. Sunday morning before the road got busy I towed my mates caravan out from where we have built his log cabin as he has now moved into it , then Tuesday morning this lorry turned up to take it down to shotley as they have sold it to a farming family down there I think it is going somewhere near to where Chris Watson has cattle grazing
  4. Did another 450 bales on Saturday and Julie stacked them as well but she did have a bit of help from are eldest granddaughter , I did offer to stack them and let Julie drive teleporter
  5. its the operator but having a nice even row and a steady pace with the baler all helps ,but the main thing is Sunshine , Sunshine in every bale (that's what Kellogg's say about its cornflakes) with you on the NH balers we have had a few over the years and cant remember having any major problems and yes Julie did stack them
  6. Done 1343 bales today in 5 fields , 300 of them are mine rest are for neighbours not been in long as carted and stacked mine in the shed , as Steve wright would say that's some serious bailin without the G. No broken bales at all today ,one more bit to bale tomorrow and then get turning again on the 10 acres I cut Thursday night
  7. No I did not now I was on there power harrowing ,I am on there in Dieppe France walking around the town Thanks will have a look
  8. Been turning hay since last Friday ,not a lot of sun so its a slow make at the moment , I do plan on cutting some more Thursday night .last two evenings I have been catching up with my T3 Fungicides on the wheat's
  9. The more I look at her Paul the more jealous I am well done for tracking her down she is a beauty
  10. Been cutting my roadside edges like I do every year ,local radio station always have people ringing in and complaining about the long grass and blaming the farmers when it is the local highways departments job . A few months back when I was out clearing snow several people/motorist waved at me and put there thumbs up in thanks today I don't think they was waving at me and I now it was not there thumbs that they was putting up ,funny how they soon forget
  11. spent most of Saturday tractor hoeing some of my beet as there is the odd patch of weed-beet and the more I can cut up the less I have to pull later on , its not my tractor and hoes I have borrowed it of a good neighbour/friend
  12. Well I think it is a SIROMER it is one of them tractors that come from China on a pallet that you put together yourself its got a 3 cylinder engine which I think is about 30hp but could be wrong on that , I am going to get in touch with a suppler this week and get some info on it and hopefully a operators manual
  13. Things did not go quite to plan yesterday , I have enough jobs on the go at the moment so was not looking for any more but a friend of a friend got in touch to ask if I could top his 5 acre meadow that afternoon as his topper was broken and he would pay me as I left the field ,well was not looking for the work but the model vouchers at the end of the job sounded good so off I went did the job and sure enough he was there to pay me got talking about his broken mower when he said he had bought a new one together with a Farmall tractor which is being delivered in about 2 weeks time and the tractor he had got was not big enough for the new mower so he was going to stand it on side of road with for sale on for £££ pounds as it has a oil leak . so yes I then had to give him his money back as a deposit and the rest when I picked it up last night the oil leak is a pipe that just needs replacing as it is just dripping out of the fitting where it is crimped on . I will fix it and give it a oil change and unless when the wife sees it she wants to keep it for her horsey meadows I will be selling it on
  14. Yes still very busy Paul ,first one is basically done just fences and kitchen to finish second one is about halfway we have the carpenters in there at the moment sorting out the interior stud work walls then when that one is done we start the next 2 on that site .Had to leave the other jobs in my late mothers place as farm work got in the way ,I am beginning to feel the strain of the work but I do have this weekend of as I am helping Mr Reeve do the show over in France
  15. We planted grass seed the other week on the biggest bit of the garden but this bit at the back we turfed so that we have a instant garden
  16. Iwent to a sale on Saturday morning as I was told that there was a flat 8 grab and a grain bucket in the sale both with JCB fittings on for my teleporter , when I got there the grab was for big hesston bales so I bought this farmhand one instead and will weld on JCB brackets myself as for the grain bucket it was made in 2008 and was in real good condition and would have gone strait on my 530/70 JCB but I pulled out of the biding and let the other two fight over it as what it finished at for £200 more I can buy a brand new one did not get a picture of bucket as everybody and there mates was at sale and at least 3 people was standing in the bucket for most of the day so no clear picture
  17. Sunday night when it had cooled down I took my mini digger to my mates across the road from mine to level out 20 tons of granite chippings on his drive filled wheel barrows with ditching bucket as you cant shovel it by hand as heap is to tight the young lad on barrow did well as he is only 13 his dad was on the rake levelling the small heaps out
  18. Sunday morning I dug a trench for a pipe and a retaining wall footing then Monday morning before it got to hot myself and one of my sons put 4 ton of ballast though the mixer
  19. Had the plumbers in to install under floor heating pipes last week , then had a firm pump in the concrete floors
  20. I dare not tell you what I paid for the Blue one and the White one (because the wife may read this)
  21. Yes I would go for the loader one but like I said I am only looking at the moment , both of these tractors should be available in a couple of months as and when the new ones get delivered by are local dealership so I have a bit of time to make my mind up
  22. went and had a look at these two the other day , as a possible replacement for one of my tractors , I am only looking at the moment but you never now
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