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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Also spent a bit of time on this shed where I keep a few spare parts and all the other stuff that might be useful one day , I removed 2 windows as the wooden frames was a bit rotten and put one second hand plastic frame back plan on finishing one night this week
  2. Had a busy weekend with spraying and other farm jobs ,but also spent a few hrs power harrowing this garden a putting on the grass seed just needs a good rain now
  3. Slitter Aerator is what the machines are called , so matt is right as he is slitting the ground as it relieves compaction &promotes healthier root system (that's what it say in the OXDALE PRODUCTS CATALOGUE ) well done Matt good to see what you are up too
  4. Good lot of nice models you have there to bump up your collection
  5. My favourite tractor from the sale as I used to have one ,and the welder that I now have the trolley is going to have some flowers put in it and stand in a garden
  6. As you all now I went to the Paul Cable auction on Saturday at Potters Bar Hertfordshire which was put on by Cheffins , there was 38 classic tractors and several other lots here are the tractors
  7. Had not mentioned it as did not know I was going till late Friday night as goody had been asked at the last minute to drop a couple of people of at Heathrow as they was flying out to the case combine factory (I could have gone as well but because I only had a few days notice and have two important meetings this week I had to say no but I will next time ) . I did not buy anything but goody bought a welder which I now have as he only wonted the trolley that it was in picture will follow
  8. yes I was down there and yes that is me , only decided to go late on Friday night as a mate of mine was dropping some people off at Heathrow early Saturday morning so got asked if I would go down and then double back to the sale , I have some pictures to post bit later on
  9. Got my mate in to help yesterday and today breaking up some concrete and clearing away then putting back some topsoil as we are going to grass-seed it hopefully next week
  10. Spent about 8hrs yesterday going up and down this private track getting bucket loads of planning and tipping in the big holes and had two people shovelling out on the small ones, the track leads to a big house and a redundant church about 1.5miles from the main road
  11. This is the hand brake lever , it is seized up on the pivot bolts and I expect the brakes in the drums are as well
  12. Yes it is a tipper I had taken ram of so not to damage it ,and it works of the tractor hydraulic system , as for brakes it only has a parking brake which is just a lever mounted on a post at the front and I don't think it works as it has not been moved latterly , will get a picture tomorrow
  13. I have taken the body of my trailer today as I am taken it down to Barking Engineering tomorrow morning to use the welder to put a new pick-up hitch ring on I took the body of as we are going to turn chassis upside down so we don't have to weld upside down
  14. Pictures taken from same place as yesterday when the sun was shinning ,today its raining again and two coats colder
  15. After 30mm of rain and cold winds on Monday we have had a lovely sunny day on Tuesday ,was nearly down to just a t-shirt as it was so warm . This is the view from my back garden .
  16. Been helping my mates from barking engineering lift in a set of stairs into a house they are building
  17. I managed to get some fertilizer spread on Friday and it has rain since then and a lot more forecast for today
  18. 7 at the moment Sean , but one of them is shared between 3 of us. Together with my own farm I rent another small farm a few miles away from mine when the owner passed away he left his farm to the blind charity and in the will it said that they had to keep his two tractors on the farm to do the work , one was a International 474 and the other is a International 414 with a front loader , anyway both good tractors to have they was a bit rough as standing outside most of the time and after a couple of years the charity asked me if I would like to buy them as they realised that they was not suitable for the equipment that I had and it would have meant them spending some money on tires ,batteries and some small equipment so I bought them both , now the 474 kingpins had seized with standing out side and I also the previous owner had been using the wrong oil in the back axle as it was to expensive anyway a good mate of mine spent a few hrs with me getting king pins sorted and draining back axle and putting correct oil back in we also changed all the oils in the 414 now my mate that helped me with this at the age of ten learnt to drive on this 414 many years ago and would like to buy it to top his meadows so I still own it but I have let him have it on a long term lone and if I do wont to sell its his , I did sell the 474 about a year ago and yes I did tell them about the wrong oil in back end and problems that might happen in the future but as it was only going to top a few meadows he said he would risk it and so far it has been ok . So this is what I have at the moment 414 with front loader on loan to my mate ,International 674 with front loader that my same mate shares with me and his brother , I have a Standard Fordson in green , a E27N Fordson two diesel majors and the recent buy of a David Brown 30D.
  19. Been power-harrowing today getting land ready for sugar beet my neighbour that drills them for me said he would do them on sunday so I thought Friday and Saturday I could get it ready then at 7pm on Thursday he rung me again with change of plan he would be here at 7am Saturday so I have just spent 16hrs going up and down listening to the radio anyway its ready for him
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