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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Yes still busy at the moment allow we nearly done on two of the building projects so should be back to working sensible hrs soon , Only came across the david brown by chance was talking about a lawn mower to a mate of mine as he said he was looking out for a big one for a friend of his as they was selling there tractor to get something more modern so I went and looked as all I was told was its old and red anyway the money I had put to one side after selling several brochures was soon spent on the david brown
  2. We had built this one a week before taken the other one out and sent of to be galvanised and had it delivered strait to the college it then took us 2 hard days to fix in place JCB teleporter was a 12-5meter reach and only just got us there
  3. One of the many jobs I have been helping with in the last few weeks , This metal fire escape at Framingham Collage was rusty and rotten so 3 off use took it down with a gas-axe and sent it of to the scrape yard (got some model spending money out of it ) We had allowed two days to get it down but did it in one longer day but still got payed for two
  4. Very very dodgy , as for a good deal I am not sure as she not told me yet I hope she got a fair price and if there is a profit in it she might treat me to a meal at the curry house
  5. I used to work part time in the winter months for a generator company and most weeks there was a engine delivered on a heavy duty pallet which there had to pay to dispose off so they was happy for me to take in a tractor/trailer 2or3 times a year to clear them up ,yes a few nails in them but some good sized bits of cheap firewood only takes a few minutes with a good hammer to knock them apart then cut as normal on saw bench avoiding the nails . when the ash-pan on fire is full I take it outside and with a big round magnet I saved of the back of a loud speaker I just hold it a inch above the ash and all the nails fly up onto magnet and with a gloved hand just wipe around and nails fall of into dustbin then dig ash into garden
  6. Saturday morning problem solved , she phoned up a good mate and asked was he interest in a few (haha) brochures to which he said possibly so she said get your arse over here now and have a look ,and within the hr he turned up and had a look and this is the two of them doing a deal , not asked her yet how much she got but as long as I don't tell her what I paid there should not be a problem . to get me out of the way she sent me of to cut up some wood , not said anything to much about them tonight but I better keep quiet as there is still at least another load to come
  7. This is what I have picked out to keep ,some there was 2 or 3 copies of the same , still scratching my head as to where to store the rest , then the wife walked into the barn to see if I was ok as it was late on Friday night and had not gone home for tea (make a note to myself always go home for tea) anyway after she had calmed down I told here I was going to probably sell some
  8. Out of the last trailer load I sold all the chainsaw brochures/parts manuals to a good friend and all the Ransomes lawn mower stuff to someone I was introduced to that collects the actual mowers , after picking out the agri related stuff I wonted to keep it still left me with a big heap to sort though ,but on Thursday my mate turned up with another 3 boxes/pallet loads which I quickly looked though and picked out a few pieces to keep but was thinking to myself how the hell am I going to find the time to sort all of this lot as well as get on with the other jobs I have on the go
  9. Military supplies store ? Your granddaughter has done a fantastic job of that
  10. Thank you , cant recall seeing the MTX 175 trailer set before will have to look out for one , I do have the other McCormicks in pictures . Many thanks Smithy
  11. Have you got a picture of the McCormick set please
  12. Monday and Tuesday I was having a bit of fun on the teleporter burning up what I had cut back with the chainsaw and then running around with tractor getting the small stuff in between the light snow showers and picking up a load of big stuff for firewood
  13. Had a hour to spare this afternoon after getting back home from a frontier breakfast meeting so picked out a few brochures/parts manuals from the trailer load I got a few weeks back , there is a good lot of ransomes mower stuff and chainsaw stuff amongst the lot but I have someone coming the weekend to look at that lot ,this lot in the pictures I am keeping in my collection
  14. yes chuffed to bits ,swapped the bucket for the tines then bucket back on just to keep playing with it as soon as its dry I have some hedging to go and push up and burn cant wait
  15. I have also been keeping in the warm last few days as I am taking out the old kitchen at my late mothers property as I have a new one lined up to go in sometime in the next 2 weeks ,then got bathroom to tackle
  16. Allow the virus I picked up the other week has passed it has left me feeling weak and a nasty cough but my mates insisted I go and help for a day last week as planned installing the first bits of a staircase in a new building which is going to be selling pre-owned ££££££ cars . I should be going back to help fix on the glass side rails when they get delivered
  17. 3500hrs genuine machine the man I bought it of has owned it for just over 12 years
  18. Allow I posted up a few weeks back that I had bought this JCB , I have only picked it up today as the man I bought it off asked if he could keep it a few weeks just to finish of a job he was doing at his home to which I agreed but at lunchtime today I drove it to its new home , feeling quite chuffed at this moment really looking forward to loading grain this coming harvest
  19. Thanks Paul been at work since 7am this morning as had to meet builders we have unloaded 6 packs of blocks and I am knackered got another 6 to do but brickys said while its dry they would start laying while I go and have a drink to recover so that's what I am doing , feels like someone has shot some petrol in my normally running long stroke diesel engine or maybe my adblue tank is running low
  20. Catching some virus on Tuesday and not knowing if I was dead or alive on Wednesday , got the keys to 3 place in my pocket as I said I would have them unlocked and meet them in my barn by just after 7am well managed the first bit but just had to stop back home and crawl up on the settee and send the wife up the farm to unlock for the builders , never left the settee till this afternoon and that was a job as it felt like someone had stolen my legs , now all this evening the wifes been nagging as I have not eaten for 2 days well every time I go to the DRs they tell me I am 2 stone overweight so I don't think not eating is going to hurt ,the wife bless here has been making warm drinks all the time and a hot water bottle for my feet allow I think the hot water bottle was for the dog as its been asleep with me for 90% of the time once or twice it walked up my body and started liking out my ears aah but I think she was only making sure I WAS still alive , anyway still not 100% but more alive than dead and because of all they laying around I cant get to sleep now so having another look on here as my eyes would not focus properly this afternoon and yes the dog is still asleep on the settee
  21. crocodile Dundee trigger , that's a tidy beast what is the tonnage of force for that model
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