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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Have been causing problems on the road again today had to stop traffic while the lorry driver unloaded the first parts of my mates log-cabin he has gone back to Southampton to get another load for tomorrow
  2. Yes Paul that was just one of the many things I have on the go at the moment seems to be no rest at the moment , the weeks trailer belongs to my mate Eric its in constant use up in his wood-yard it gets some abuse at times with wood dropping in it and it spends most of the time outside which is a shame I have dropped a few hints that I would like a trailer like that but so far he has not said that I can buy it
  3. I only had a quick look around early on the sunday morning as we was really busy on the stall all day Saturday and allow it was a bit slower on the sunday you still need to keep your eyes on the table so that's why I missed them this year
  4. I did not see them this year at Zwolle but in 2015 and 2016 there was a set for sale which included the red one the price was 1500 EUR but he told me he would accept 1200 EUR
  5. Day two we planned on using the smaller cherry picker but due to the slope of the ground it would only go up halfway then cut out with sirens and lights flashing so we got the big one round and did the second chimney in the rain as well it was chucking it down at times
  6. going up to the first one we had to use the full 18meter reach to get over the roof to the chimney on the other side
  7. last Wednesday I was helping my mates from down the forge we had two chimneys to drop liners down but first of all we had to unload two cherry pickers which caused a bit of fun for a few local people that stopped to watch as they thought we was putting up the Christmas tree next to the clock tower after half hour of watching us they came over and asked when was the tree turning up
  8. we had about 4 or 5 hrs of snow on sunday which by this morning had turned to rain and by 11am was back to snow and its now 1pm and its still a coming down
  9. Yes it started to snow at about 5am this morning but by 7am it was raining till about 9ish then it turned back to heavy snow till about lunchtime was in my barn all morning and spilt this wood this afternoon
  10. Well done that's the sort of present I would get my wife and some sticks/firelighters so she can have fire going so its warm when I get in at night , are you going to get her a bucket full of tangerines /oranges as well
  11. I properly did see it but he had so much fantastic models on there you could stand at his stall all day looking and still miss something
  12. and this is the next one about 3 weeks ago he went along it quickly to get out the rubbish so the water could flow better and depending on other jobs he is going to go over it again to tidy up the banks
  13. I have been on another job today but my mate is still going I took him down some diesel about 3ish this afternoon about 2 more days on this ditch and he should be finish ready for the next one
  14. Well my mate is the one on the digger that's doing the good job he has not driven one for 17 years as he has been a mechanic repairing them for a plant hire company but long story short he wonted to go self-employed but just needed a shove to do it as his boss had been giving him a hard time last year or so, so I said to him that there is a minimum of 3 weeks work to do here if it helps plus you can use my barn as and when repair jobs come in to get you started to which he said I will hand my notice in on Friday be with you Monday morning and I do agree he has done a good job so far
  15. was clearing willow trees that was overhanging my side yesterday so we can clear out a bit more I should have taken picture of branches' before I cut them back but forgot also forgot to tell owner of trees O well I cant put them back anyway might just have to leave the country for a few days till he has calmed down
  16. Over the last few weeks I have had a mate of mine driving our 5ton digger clearing out stumps from a ditch that we are going to clean out I have been on a chainsaw just in front of him so we will have a clear run
  17. That's a nice trailer Paul ,as for the hitch I have seen some like that but they just have a ring on the end like a normal pickup hitch style I have one on a end tow kit for a maschio power-harrow
  18. That's the same set up as my neighbour was using but as the chaser wagon was a converted harvester I did not like going quicker on the fields with a full load on especially if it was wet and as it is oil driven it used to put a lot of strain on the pumps which at £3000+ each time they exploded took a lot of sticking the faster speeds on the road are ok as not much drag and would not normally be loaded ,so that is why he cut the front of his and turned it into a trailed chaser then tractor does the pulling and PTO driven pump drives the unloading elevator
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