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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Yes that's mine not used it or grown spuds for a few years now only used to grow a acre or two to sell at the farm gate the main lifting web broke on it and it was to old to spend to much on just for a bit of pocket money will get some close up pictures tomorrow
  2. Thanks Paul yes it was a surprise to see you down there hope you enjoyed it
  3. I teamed up with another mate to do a few days muckspreading I loaded he spread these pictures are on my field we also went to 3 other places to spread horse muck
  4. Have been helping to get this base ready for a log-cabin which some close friends of ours are going to live in just down the road from mine
  5. I ordered some parts for a Belarus tractor the other week and a few days ago the dealer rung me up to say he had got them and he would be passing mine that afternoon and would drop them in I was keeping a eye out for a van did not expect them to be delivered in this
  6. Several weeks back I ploughed up this 2acre field of what was grass after spraying it of I then power harrowed it down and reseeded it
  7. Should have been one this year Chris but certain things such as not being able to get the land to hold it on being one ,it was cancelled they had been doing them every other year with the Norfolk machinery club doing one on the in-between years . The Suffolk Farm Machinery Club together with Farmers Guide used to put it on
  8. my neighbour used to have a Brimont trailer he only sold it to Ben Burgess at Newmarket a few years back I used to put my 956 XL on it to help cart off sugar beet used to make the turbo whistle going up hill
  9. Thanks bluegreen only just found this topic ,nice to see all the older combines but the N/H are my favourite and yes these pictures of case tractors are great especially the 5150 really loved the one I had should never have let Goody steal it of me
  10. ploughing for next years sugar beet weather permitting should finish by Wednesday
  11. Yes done by a local engineering/welding company that do a lot of work for well now agri firms
  12. Its fine did all the drilling with it last year and all the spraying up till about April time and because I did not wont to pay silly money for a set of row crops I used my 4240 as it has 12inch rears
  13. my neighbour's had a old terra-dos for a chaser wagon but because the hydraulics did not like the faster speeds in carting beet and gave a few problems they decided to cut the front of and turn it into a trailed chaser ,they have a second one being done the same PTO driven oil pump now drives the unloading trace
  14. spent a few hours just lately driving my TX34 had to put a set of lifters on for some of the wheat
  15. Love seeing your combine I had a 1545 with a 17 foot table which I did 28 harvested with
  16. The screen is just some angle-iron fencing stakes that I had together with a few other bits and pieces once you have a bit of a heap on both sides you can push into it to get a bucket full away without it from moving and when I do need to move it I just get on the back edge with my bucket on the top lip hooks behind the top beamand rests on the bucket and just pick it up and move .the fordson was restored by my cousin over 40 years ago in one of our sheds that he used as a workshop he also lived on the farm and often on a sunday morning he would take it for a ride around the village, he then sold it to a good friend of mine and for the first 10 years or so used to show it I have driven it around a show ring a few times in the past anyway it has been in my friends possession for about 37 years but as he has just sold all his buildings and a small area of grass he had to find a new home the tractor has only been about 4 miles away from mine all them years but my mate has been living about 50 miles away the last 15 years so tractor was neglected so when I found out he had sold up I offered to store some of his stuff which I am doing he has said would I like to keep it as it is back home so we are talking about having a deal .Thanks for your comment at the start of this post its appreciated
  17. I have had about 10 ton of dirt with a lot of bricks and lumps of concrete in sit in my yard for about a year now so the other day I got out my sieve/riddle that I nocked together several years ago to get the lumps out off 200 ton of asphalt planning's that the council said we could have as there had just dumped them in a disused layby not far away from mine anyway the dirt was a bit damp the other day when I put it over the screen but it got the big lumps out of it so I will put it over again but next time I have a old/damaged harris fence panel that I lay on top of my bars and as it has smaller holes/mesh it gets the other bits out as long as it is dry I now its not technical but it works it also gets the dust out of crushed concrete so you can lay the lumps out in the bottom of a track and then blind over the top with the dust/small bits
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