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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Went out with my mate colin last week round a few dealers yards and a couple of farms looking for row-crop wheels to fit my Case MXU didn't find any wheels but I left a deposit on these two
  2. If I could get the name of this one it might be worth putting a tenner on it as I think they was training it on the M62 yesterday we had to go over 60mph to keep up with it
  3. He was very good at getting the information across to us and made us feel comfortable say hello to him next time
  4. The weather was ok the previous weekend so my eldest granddaughter was teaching the wife how the log splitter works
  5. I helped make up this set of stairs the other week and deliver to Elmsett Airfield which as the Crow fly is not far from mine
  6. Whilst it was frosty last week the forest commission let the lorries of the hard roads in the woods to pick up loads we had 2 loads delivered late into the night
  7. I did it though Frontier at there office at Sandy Lane Diss the Assessors name was Vernon Hill
  8. This is the front cover of the training manual and the page that say Commensal Rodents like Sean say its a posh word to identify things allow I like his idea with the shotgun
  9. If Brittany turns out like you she will have done well , but I can remember when you first started driving for me think I had to tell you about the danger of pulling wheelies whilst you cultivated a field if the top link had broken you would have flipped over backwards that was back in the good old days , was talking to Tony Clowes the other day and your name was mentioned all good I might add
  10. What pleased me was last week I took a one day course on the RESPONSIBLE and EFFECTIVE CONTROL OF COMMENSAL RODENTS which was a LANTRA AWARDS Course and passed
  11. If you happen to go there to train her look after her as they are very good friends of mine
  12. Hi Paul graham has had a look though his brochures and the multi-page one for the new Holland 70A is one that he has not got nether so im sorry we cant help you one that one
  13. Hi Paul I will get in touch with Mr Goodwin he may be able to help , he is on here as Goodiestractor but don't expect a quick reply as I now that he is away for a few days (lamma) I shall see him up there if I cant get in touch with him before , maybe PM him if you wont but like I said before he might not pick it up straightaway 9
  14. I posted some pictures of a shed/site we was clearing before and after Christmas ,well we have finished the demolition rubble all in one heap apart from the big-lumps that need a pecker to break up site is levelled up as best as we can at moment might have a crusher in this week
  15. Yes as I had used the case finance scheme last year to buy a tractor of Goody they invited me to one of there training/demos days all the instructor's come from Austria but spoke very good English . There was 9 different machines to drive
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