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MPR Models

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Everything posted by MPR Models

  1. I have painted my Jadi Toys NH with paint from the NH dealer.Good start,she has the right color now :)
  2. Take me with you next time you're going over there Erik :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :D :D Just wonderful pics mate :)
  3. Wow Johny :o This one is gonna be really mean mean power machine mate :) I'm gonna follow this topic with pleasure ;)
  4. Fantastico,splendisimo,bravisimo :)
  5. Cheers you must have been very careful when you did it :D :D
  6. I thought so mate :D Where have you got those pipes Ol ?
  7. Very very smart Ben :D lovely pipe-trailer
  8. Sorry Sean i must have missed this topic,but all i can say that I'm sorry for you and your family and i wish you all the best mate . My best regards Peter
  9. Ok Bas I will do my best He have cut two brass plates the same size like the bales.And then he has drill a 3mm hole in the middle off the plates and then take out the metal in the (sockerbit ...se pics don't know the word on English) who is also 3mm.After that he has soldering the metal part from the..sockerbit.. to the plate and put a 3mm steelwire (piano) thru the plates.Now you can fix it with the small screw on the ..sockerbits part.After that he has drill an other hole in the plate to fix the string (same that you use for real bales.)Now you can put it in the drill and add some glue for wood until it's full I hope you understand mate \ \ :D :D
  10. Very smart Tris :) Here is two links on the Swedish forum how to do round bales. The first is from Ruben and the other is from Pock also member on this forum http://ovp.forum24.se/ovp-about4798.html (Ruben) http://ovp.forum24.se/ovp-about4534.html (Pock) Pete :)
  11. Yes i think it might be Bill,but i think it is a nice tractor aswell ;)
  12. Ver very nice as always Ol.Like i said you have the skills for a destoner mate ;) By the way mate....who´s the girl :D :D
  13. Stockholm little wet but +7 degrees
  14. You surprised me every move you make on the TM Simon,Your not Simon anymore now you are Convosimon :D :D
  15. Stockholm is very windy,very rainy and very blaaaa \
  16. Wow you have two really nice starting project Sean :o looking forward to those beauty´s Paul your bench look like mine :D :D
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