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MPR Models

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Everything posted by MPR Models

  1. I am home now :P Very nice pics Marky and Simon :D It was very veeeery nice to meet you all,and the show was fantastic.."I'll be back" I will come up with some pics later on because now I'm going straight to bed
  2. On your bike ? :D Cheers mate,see you soon Jez
  3. Thanks Paul Cheers Simon,noo please that is the only round baler i have mate :D
  4. Cheers Tris Yea I know mate :'( ,but i will stay to monday so who will going for a beer after the show :)
  5. :o Thanks Marcus you have made my day mate :D
  6. A good start this morning with a nice sun rise and 3 degrees allready
  7. ....And here is a Volvo lads :) I den här traktorn är man kung....You are the king in this tractor :D I am thinking of making one in 1/32
  8. Just like Tris said Erik, and i I wish your family all the best to mate.(say hi to Marianne for me) I will send you pics :)
  9. I must say that i love her to.. that tidy MXU ,and you have some very nice machinery as well mate
  10. We had 14 degrees and sunshine today
  11. I like when you're not so busy at work ,definitely better for your nice topic Pete :D That tank is lovely mate
  12. Very nice pics Erik,good to see that the spring have reach you mate
  13. Thanks mate,i´m glad you like the collection. Yes there is a lot of green beasts,ready to pull mate
  14. Thanks mate,i have to finished it soon and pull her out with some nice tractor
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