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MPR Models

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Everything posted by MPR Models

  1. Cheers Simon i hope so mate i think we will see that tomorrow when i put the cab on :)
  2. Thanks Erik :) I'm glad you like it :) Cheers Johny,i am not a Ford man either but i think i start to like them more and more \ \ i must be confused :D
  3. I do,i do, i doooo Jez * :D I am a red man with green veins you know Thanks Johny,i am almost there mate so i think the Day will be tomorrow :)
  4. How did you know that Bas :o i have try to keep it secret but.... Cheers buddy
  5. Ok Marcus i will do that,so what do you think Erik... i mean it is just for instant disposal : :D :D
  6. Thanks buddy :) Yes in think he has Tris,i know for sure that he has the resin set with bonet & cab Cheers Mark :) i will finished her tomorrow mate
  7. Looks spot on me to mate,love the paint finish
  8. Cheers Tris mate,i will work hard with her now because i want her finished next week so i can give her the new Joskin cargo 24000 :o
  9. Thanks mate i will try to do more work with the translation later on
  10. I don't know what to say Mattias :o :o AAAAAwesome amazing beautiful....fantastic ;)
  11. Worse ??? :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( that would have been something 8)
  12. Cheers Mattias,sounds great mate ;D John Deere 8400 precision Barry ;D ;D
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