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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. I still think that if UH wanted they could make a replica every bit as good in 1/32 as 1/16. I don't believe the detail really has all that much to do with the scale. I think it has to do with a turn in the market, 1/16 was mainly played with by kids, now they are playing with 1/32 & 1/64 and collectors are now collecting 1/16. All the detail is probably not worth putting on if they are being played with. I think you need to get out more CM and have a look at some small stuff and see how detailed it is. As the saying goes. "Good Things Come In Small Packages" Nuff Said :D
  2. NO I forgot the punctuation....read it again should be I agree. Marky.........
  3. I agree Marky ( I am sure I'll regret asking this :D ) Can I ask your opinion and what is the detail like on UH 1:43 MF
  4. Well I will be contacting the lady that does the US version of the scaloox and be getting myself some of that and give it a whirl. I was reading she had 1/32 available
  5. Well stone the crows that looks bloody brill Tris, like the grease idea too When you making mine :D
  6. Point taken Cropmaster, but I think UH could make 1/32 models with just as much detail as their 1/16 counterparts. There are lots of items being produced in tiny tiny scales with so much detail it makes you wonder how they do it..1/32 is not that small of a scale that it can't be done.
  7. Well all I can say is you must not have too many models Cropmaster either that or you have unlimited storage space and 's. UH may well produce excellent 1/16th models but if that is the only company you are looking at you may find that most 1/32 models are just as detailed as the 1/16th models. Have you seen any of the Ertl models in 1/16th scale Sand box toys is what they are called I believe hardly worthy of any detail. I don't collect for detail, I collect for what pleases my eye and fits in with my collection. I don't have any UH, Siku or any other manufacturer in my collection.Britains through and through I am buying Markys MF, not because of detail or scale, but just to support a fellow forums members business venture. Everyone has there reasons for collecting what they do, and I personally think that the UH would sell better in 1/32. I believe it was mentioned on here quite some time ago that the 1/16 was produced in the hopes of cracking into the North American market.
  8. Good so far Nigel, take care with the topcoat and don't mess it up. I won't just put any old rubbish on display you know :D
  9. Surely that is a statement you can't argue with !!!!! Also didn't UH cock up the 1/16 version of the FORD ? (sorry can't remember it's exact name) and they screwed the name up on the Ferguson boxes too.........accurate perhaps not :D :D
  10. Doesn't happen often but I gotta post when it pops in my head :D Those hinges look bloody great Tris, dab of grey paint and you'll be well away. Were they easy to make?
  11. Quick Tris get a chimley up there.....it'll be way to cold popping out to the cowshed on Xmas morn in yer budgie smugglers :D
  12. Lovely Tris absolutely cracking job.........at this rate you'll be all moved in for Christmas :D :D
  13. They look cracking Mark..........cute pic of the nipper an all :D
  14. Trissssssssssssss you forgot about FM and Old Ford, actually there are a lot of people doing buildings and such it is hard to remember everyone
  15. Listed on UH site as 1:43 Had a peek while on the site and looks as though the trailer and harrow will be available seperately, and also noticed a slip of the tongue too......... They are selling packages of 20 balls...................(bales)
  16. Don't forget Ben's or Marky's otherwise they will pelt us with rotten fruit :D
  17. Currently overcast and cold about 65F today.....supposed to climb to 80F by the weekend
  18. Thanks for the pics Ruth, nice countryside round your parts. That JD does look mighty odd, never seen one like that up here. Any chance of a chat with the driver to find out why???
  19. Nice looking bit of kit there Gav.....love it
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