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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Happy Birthday apassmore & jakescot (doubt he'll see it, anyone heard from him ?)
  2. Took a tumble down the ugly tree did he Marky hit every branch on the way down :D Today I been doing admin Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn and 3 hours left at work to piddle away :D :D
  3. MMMMMM very nice Graeme love the 7710, keep that one away from donkeyboy he loves to chop them up :D :D
  4. Nice pics Mart..............those cars are awfie wee though.....one could be led to thinking Tris has just show up to work in 1:1 world :D :D
  5. Thankfully No (huge sigh of relief) otherwise Luke would have been hopping mad...I was supposed to mail them to him last week. They are in the post now though Luke :D
  6. Luckily all that was taken were 3 CD's no big whoop,and no damage but it did feel weird knowing a stranger had been in your car.
  7. Looking good Belarusfan Nice to see a different scale being used as well, there is some pretty detailed stuff to be had in 1/87th
  8. Being back in the city for no more than 12 hours and some tw@t breaking into my new car > >
  9. Today I been doing not much.....bank holiday, just off to clean out my new car then off back home from my parents house.
  10. Welcome Farmernick, Over here in North AMerica there is a product call dullcote, you just spray it on and it gets rid of the shine, maybe worth a try if they have it in the UK
  11. Excellent Tris superb job. When you moving in :D :D
  12. What was that Marky ? Baz can use your Subaru as long as you can sit on his lap? What a kind chap you are Marky.......a true good egg (as you said) and that's no yoke :D :D :D :D :D
  13. What are they like BGU? I was thinking of starting my nephew off on some of the Bruder items....keep him away from my Britains :D :D
  14. And I have been informed I get my new car this weekend, bloody typical it's a convertible :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  15. Not knowing much about tractors but to me they both look a peach
  16. Bit overcast this morning, supposed to be sunny later this afty and then turn to rain ofr the weekend, typical as it is a bank holiday over here. Thanks Ernesto > >
  17. Lot of gardeining firms over here have big riding lawnmowers like that great fun to see em whizzing about (almost like a hovercraft) :D
  18. Only so you can nick the collection plates :D :D :D
  19. What about the JD with the Hiniker cab is that no good Sean
  20. Today I bin doing accounting sending letters to people who have bounced cheques emailing customers filing oh and browsing the net :D
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