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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Oh Deere Marcus you do like to taunt me with those Fords :D :D Looks good though mate...
  2. It is amazing Feli is it 1/32 scale though? looks very detailed.
  3. I have no idea what you are on about Ben You really do have too much time on your hands :D :D
  4. See you got the hang of posting did you just add another axle or did you extend the box as well
  5. I dropped it too Sean as quick as I possibly could :D :D probably had to do with the fact my History teacher had the rankest BO ever (insert pukey smiley here).
  6. Don't step in a poodle sorry cheesy but it had to be said. :D
  7. I happened to be drinking whilst reading that quote Marky and as a result i sprayed my water all over my monitor :D :D (Well it's not mine it works :D )
  8. Not a whole lot for me either over the last 3 days.......see the weather page.....NUFF SAID >
  9. Looking good Mike keep the pics coming
  10. Another good journal Timmy How's the 1/32 farm doing ?
  11. Thankfully I didn't walk home a friend gave me a lift.........why did I move here again :D :D
  12. Currently at 46C here I think I may melt walking home :'(
  13. ?937.50 jeez that's an awful lot of models :D
  14. That looks a mean beast Gav.....FP can you whip one of these up please
  15. Which is amazing really as the heat today has surely fried my brain :D 110F with the humidex
  16. I would say NO as countrynut is a new member, but you may get a Numpty as countrynut is a lass :D :D
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